Nicolai Netz
Nicolai Netz
Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung
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Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage der Studierenden in Deutschland 2012
E Middendorff, B Apolinarski, J Poskowsky, M Kandulla, N Netz
BMBF, 2013
Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. Eurostudent IV 2008-2011
D Orr, C Gwosć, N Netz
W. Bertelsmann Verlag, 2011
Why do students from underprivileged families less often intend to study abroad?
M Lörz, N Netz, H Quast
Higher Education 72 (2), 153-174, 2016
Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe: Synopsis of Indicators. Eurostudent V 2012-2015
K Hauschildt, C Gwosc, N Netz, S Mishra
W. Bertelsmann Verlag, 2015
Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage der Studierenden in Deutschland 2012. 20. Sozialerhebung des Deutschen Studentenwerks durchgeführt durch das HIS-Institut für …
E Middendorff, B Apolinarski, J Poskowsky, M Kandulla, N Netz
HIS GmbH, 2013
Which mechanisms explain monetary returns to international student mobility?
F Kratz, N Netz
Studies in Higher Education 43 (2), 375-400, 2018
Berufsbegleitende und duale Studienangebote in Deutschland: Status quo und Perspektiven
KH Minks, N Netz, D Völk
HIS GmbH, 2011
New Horizontal Inequalities in German Higher Education? Social Selectivity of Studying Abroad between 1991 and 2012
N Netz, C Finger
Sociology of Education 89 (2), 79-98, 2016
What Deters Students from Studying Abroad? Evidence from Four European Countries and Its Implications for Higher Education Policy
N Netz
Higher Education Policy 28 (2), 151-174, 2015
The Selection of High-Skilled Emigrants
M Parey, J Ruhose, F Waldinger, N Netz
Review of Economics and Statistics 99 (5), 776-792, 2017
What effects does international mobility have on scientists’ careers? A systematic review
N Netz, S Hampel, V Aman
Research Evaluation 29 (3), 327–351, 2020
Hochqualifiziert und gefragt. Ergebnisse der zweiten HIS-HF Absolventenbefragung des Jahrgangs 2005
M Grotheer, S Isleib, N Netz, K Briedis
HIS GmbH, 2012
Socio-demographics: A global overview of inequalities in education abroad participation
N Netz, D Klasik, S Entrich, M Barker
Education Abroad: Bridging Scholarship and Practice, 28-42, 2020
Restrukturierung statt Expansion. Entwicklungen im Bereich des nichtwissenschaftlichen Personals an deutschen Hochschulen
A Blümel, K Kloke, G Krücken, N Netz
die Hochschule 2 (2010), 154-171, 2010
Explaining scientists’ plans for international mobility from a life course perspective
N Netz, S Jaksztat
Research in Higher Education 58 (5), 497-519, 2017
Why do women more often intend to study abroad than men?
F Cordua, N Netz
Higher Education 83 (5), 1079-1101, 2022
Who benefits most from studying abroad? A conceptual and empirical overview
N Netz
Higher Education 82 (6), 1049-1069, 2021
Does the effect of studying abroad on labour income vary by graduates’ social origin? Evidence from Germany
N Netz, M Grüttner
Higher Education 82 (6), 1195-1217, 2021
Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. EUROSTUDENT V 2012-2015
K Hauschildt, C Gwosć, N Netz, S Mishra
W. Bertelsmann Verlag, 2015
Mobilised by mobility? Determinants of international mobility plans among doctoral candidates in Germany
N Netz, S Jaksztat
International Perspectives on Higher Education Research 11, 35-59, 2014
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