Naomi Truan
Cited by
Cited by
The Reluctance to Use the Word Populism as a Concept
N Hubé, N Truan
Populist political communication in Europe, 181-194, 2016
Talking about, for, and to the People: Populism and Representation in Parliamentary Debates on Europe
N Truan
Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 67 (3), 307-337, 2019
The discursive construction of the people in European political discourse: Semantics and pragmatics of a contested concept in German, French, and British parliamentary debates
N Truan
Imagining the Peoples of Europe: Populist discourses across the political …, 2019
Building, Encoding, and Annotating a Corpus of Parliamentary Debates in XML-TEI: A Cross-Linguistic Account
N Truan, L Romary
The Politics of Person Reference: Third-person forms in English, German, and French
N Truan
John Benjamins, 2021
On the Pragmatics of Interjections in Parliamentary Interruptions
N Truan
Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique 40 (40), 125-144, 2017
(When) Can I say Du to You? The metapragmatics of forms of address on German-Speaking Twitter
N Truan
Journal of Pragmatics 191, 227-239, 2022
Generisch, unpersönlich, indefinit? Die Pronomina man, on, one und generisches you im politischen Diskurs
N Truan
Diskursive Verfestigungen. Schnittstellen zwischen Morphosyntax …, 2018
Parliamentary Debates on Europe at the House of Commons (1998–2015) [Corpus]
N Truan
ORTOLANG (Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage), 2016
Doing Open Science in a Research-Based Seminar: Students’ Positioning Towards Openness in Higher Education
N Truan, D Dressel
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 3 (3), 2022
Narratives of dialogue in parliamentary discourse: Constructing the ethos of the receptive politician
N Truan
Journal of Language and Politics 20 (4), 563-583, 2021
Navigating the German school system when being perceived as a student ‘with migration background’: Students’ perspectives on linguistic racism
M Oldani, N Truan
Linguistics and Education 71, 101049, 2022
The view from within: Gendered language ideologies of multilingual speakers in contemporary Berlin
N Truan, M Oldani
Journal of Sociolinguistics 25 (3), 374-397, 2021
Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen einer pragmatisch orientierten kontrastiven Diskursanalyse: Ein Vorschlag am Beispiel deutscher, französischer und britischer Parlamentsdebatten
N Truan
Diskurse–digital 1 (3), 29-50, 2019
Dire l’intégration. Les rapports français et allemands sur l’intégration entre injonction à la neutralité et volonté d’influence (1991-2014)
N Truan, L Renard
Mots. Les langages du politique, 77-93, 2017
Parliamentary Debates on Europe at the Deutscher Bundestag (1998–2015) [Corpus]
N Truan
ORTOLANG (Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage), 2016
« Les citations doivent être exactes ! ». Pratiques polémiques de la citation au parlement
N Truan
TIPA. Travaux interdisciplinaires sur la parole et le langage, 2016
Convoquer autrui dans le discours politique. Ethos et adresse indirecte dans les débats parlementaires allemands et britanniques contemporains sur l’Europe (1998-2015)
N Truan
Trajectoires. Revue de la jeune recherche franco-allemande, 2016
Parliamentary Debates on Europe at the Assemblée nationale (2002–2012) [Corpus]
N Truan
ORTOLANG (Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage), 2016
“I am a real cat”: French-speaking cats on Twitter as an enregistered variety and community of practice
N Truan
Internet Pragmatics, 2022
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Articles 1–20