Petra Wagner
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Gesture and speech in interaction: An overview
P Wagner, Z Malisz, S Kopp
Speech communication 57, 209-232, 2014
Relations between language rhythm and speech rate
V Dellwo, P Wagner, MJ Solé, D Recasens, J Romero
University of Zurich, 2003
In defense of stylistic diversity in speech research
P Wagner, J Trouvain, F Zimmerer
Journal of Phonetics 48, 1-12, 2015
Explanation as a social practice: Toward a conceptual framework for the social design of AI systems
KJ Rohlfing, P Cimiano, I Scharlau, T Matzner, HM Buhl, H Buschmeier, ...
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 13 (3), 717-728, 2020
Speech synthesis evaluation—state-of-the-art assessment and suggestion for a novel research program
P Wagner, J Beskow, S Betz, J Edlund, J Gustafson, G Eje Henter, ...
Proceedings of the 10th Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW10), 2019
D64: A corpus of richly recorded conversational interaction
C Oertel, F Cummins, J Edlund, P Wagner, N Campbell
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 7 (1), 19-28, 2013
Introducing YARD (Yet Another Rhythm Determination) and re-introducing isochrony to rhythm research
P Wagner, V Dellwo
Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 2004
Bonntempo-corpus and bonntempo-tools: a database for the study of speech rhythm and rate.
V Dellwo, B Aschenberner, P Wagner, J Dancovicova, I Steiner
Interspeech, 777-780, 2004
Great expectations-introspective vs. perceptual prominence ratings and their acoustic correlates
P Wagner
Interspeech 2005, 2005
Different parts of the same elephant: a roadmap to disentangle and connect different perspectives of prosodic prominence
P Wagner, A Origlia, C Avesani, G Christodoulides, F Cutugno, ...
International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), 2015
On automatic prominence detection for German.
F Tamburini, P Wagner
Interspeech, 1809-1812, 2007
DIMA: Annotation guidelines for German intonation
F Kügler, B Smolibocki, D Arnold, S Baumann, B Braun, M Grice, ...
Speech synthesis development made easy: the bonn open synthesis system.
E Klabbers, K Stöber, RNJ Veldhuis, P Wagner, S Breuer
INTERSPEECH, 521-525, 2001
Synthesis by word concatenation
K Stöber, T Portele, P Wagner, W Hess
Proceedings of Interspeech 1999 2, 1999
Gaze patterns in turn-taking
C Oertel, M Włodarczak, J Edlund, P Wagner, J Gustafson
Thirteenth annual conference of the international speech communication …, 2012
Acoustic-phonetic realisation of Polish syllable prominence: a corpus study.
Z Malisz, P Wagner
Rhythm, melody and harmony in speech. Studies in honour of Wiktor Jassem. 14, 2012
The perception of sentence stress in cochlear implant recipients
H Meister, M Landwehr, V Pyschny, P Wagner, M Walger
Ear and hearing 32 (4), 459-467, 2011
Micro-structure of disfluencies: Basics for conversational speech synthesis
S Betz, P Wagner, D Schlangen
Sixteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication …, 2015
Interactive hesitation synthesis: modelling and evaluation
S Betz, B Carlmeyer, P Wagner, B Wrede
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 2 (1), 9, 2018
Speech synthesis using multilevel selection and concatenation of units from large speech corpora
K Stöber, P Wagner, J Helbig, S Köster, D Stall, M Thomae, J Blauert, ...
Verbmobil: Foundations of speech-to-speech translation, 519-534, 2000
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