Christina Ungerer
Christina Ungerer
Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences
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Software Startups--A Research Agenda
M Unterkalmsteiner, P Abrahamsson, X Wang, A Nguyen-Duc, SMA Shah, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.12816, 2023
Different patterns in the evolution of digital and non-digital ventures' business models
M König, C Ungerer, G Baltes, O Terzidis
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 146, 844-852, 2019
Balancing financial, social and environmental values: can new ventures make an impact without sacrificing profits?
F Giones, C Ungerer, G Baltes
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 12 (1), 39-57, 2020
The Semantics of Entrepreneurial Learning in New Technology-Based Firms: Evaluating NTBFs’ Entrepreneurial Progress Using Content Analysis of Business Plans
M König, C Ungerer, G Baltes
Technology Entrepreneurship: Insights in New Technology-Based Firms …, 2018
The lingering living dead phenomenon: Distorting venture survival studies?
C Ungerer, K Reuther, G Baltes
Journal of Business Venturing Insights 16, e00250, 2021
Agreement on the venture’s reality presented in business plans
M König, C Ungerer, R Büchele, G Baltes
Proceedings 22nd International Conference on Engineering, Technology and …, 2016
Business model validity in early-stage technology ventures' business plans testing agreement between text and reality
M König, G Gudd, C Ungerer, G Baltes
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE …, 2017
The Effect of Business Coaching on NTBF Survival–Findings and Lessons Learned from a Randomized Controlled Trial
C Ungerer, N Heinzelmann, GH Baltes, M König
2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation …, 2019
On the interconnectedness of value network maturity and new technology-based firm survival
C Ungerer, M König, G Baltes, KM Maki
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE …, 2017
Agreement on the Venture’s Reality Presented in Business Plans Purifying a Multi-Dimensional Measurement Instrument to Improve Validity and Reliability
M König, C Ungerer, R Büchele, G Baltes
2016 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation/IEEE …, 2016
Evaluation and Assessment of Technology-Based Startups: Venture Capitalists' Approaches in the Seed-and Early-Stage
K Reuther, C Ungerer, T Posselt, GH Baltes
Applying Text Analytics to Business Plans in New Technology-Based Firm Survival Research
C Ungerer, G Baltes, M König
2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation …, 2021
Evaluation of tech ventures' evolving business models: rules for performance-related classification
M König, M Enjolras, C Ungerer, M Camargo, GH Baltes
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 14 (2), 145-167, 2022
Reliably Reading Venture Survival from the Business Plan Determining Venture Emergence and Survival with Computer-Based Content Analysis of Business Plan Texts
C Ungerer, M Konig, F Giones, G Baltes
22nd ICE/IEEE International Technology Management Conference: Bringing …, 2016
Evaluation und Bewertung technologiebasierter Startups: Ansätze von Risikokapitalgebern in der Seed-und Early-Stage
K Reuther, C Ungerer, T Posselt, GH Baltes
Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, BFUP 2022 (2), 191-215, 2022
New technology-based firm survival
C Ungerer
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 2021
Major Developments in a Decade of Entrepreneurship Research: A Machine Learning Based Review of the Literature
R Off, K Reuther, C Ungerer, GH Baltes
G-Forum Conference 2020; 24. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu …, 2020
Business model validity in early-stage technology ventures’ business plans
M König, G Gudd, C Ungerer, G Baltes
23rd IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation …, 2017
Investigating the effectiveness of tactical business coaching for technology-based ventures in increasing survival
GH Baltes, C Ungerer
17th Networks, Information Technology & Innovation Management Consortium …, 2015
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