Felix Hülsmann
Felix Hülsmann
Bielefeld University, Faculty of Technology, Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing Group
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Cited by
The impact of latency on perceptual judgments and motor performance in closed-loop interaction in virtual reality
T Waltemate, I Senna, F Hülsmann, M Rohde, S Kopp, M Ernst, M Botsch
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on virtual reality software and …, 2016
Classification of motor errors to provide real-time feedback for sports coaching in virtual reality—A case study in squats and Tai Chi pushes
F Hülsmann, JP Göpfert, B Hammer, S Kopp, M Botsch
Computers & Graphics 76, 47-59, 2018
Wind and warmth in virtual reality: implementation and evaluation
F Hülsmann, J Fröhlich, N Mattar, I Wachsmuth
Proceedings of the 2014 virtual reality international conference, 1-8, 2014
Realizing a low-latency virtual reality environment for motor learning
T Waltemate, F Hülsmann, T Pfeiffer, S Kopp, M Botsch
Proceedings of the 21st ACM symposium on virtual reality software and …, 2015
Superimposed skilled performance in a virtual mirror improves motor performance and cognitive representation of a full body motor action
F Hülsmann, C Frank, I Senna, MO Ernst, T Schack, M Botsch
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 6, 43, 2019
A multimodal system for real-time action instruction in motor skill learning
I de Kok, J Hough, F Hülsmann, M Botsch, D Schlangen, S Kopp
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on International Conference on Multimodal …, 2015
Comparing gaze-based and manual interaction in a fast-paced gaming task in virtual reality
F Hülsmann, T Dankert, T Pfeiffer
Proceedings of the Workshop Virtuelle & Erweiterte Realität 2011, 2011
Multi-level analysis of motor actions as a basis for effective coaching in virtual reality
F Hülsmann, C Frank, T Schack, S Kopp, M Botsch
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Science in …, 2016
Simulating wind and warmth in virtual reality: conception, realization and evaluation for a cave environment
F Hülsmann, N Mattar, J Fröhlich, I Wachsmuth
Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting 11 (10), 2014
Wind and warmth in virtual reality-Requirements and chances
F Hülsmann, N Mattar, J Fröhlich, I Wachsmuth
Proceedings of the Workshop Virtuelle & Erweiterte Realität 2013, 2013
Motor imagery during action observation in virtual reality: the impact of watching myself performing at a level I have not yet achieved
C Frank, F Hülsmann, T Waltemate, DJ Wright, DL Eaves, A Bruton, ...
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 21 (3), 401-427, 2023
The intelligent coaching space: A demonstration
I de Kok, F Hülsmann, T Waltemate, C Frank, J Hough, T Pfeiffer, ...
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 17th International Conference, IVA 2017 …, 2017
Non-negative kernel sparse coding for the analysis of motion data
B Hosseini, F Hülsmann, M Botsch, B Hammer
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2016: 25th …, 2016
Demonstrating the dialogue system of the intelligent coaching space
I de Kok, J Hough, F Hülsmann, T Waltemate, M Botsch, D Schlangen, ...
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, 2015
Automatic error analysis of human motor performance for interactive coaching in virtual reality
F Hülsmann, S Kopp, M Botsch
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.09131, 2017
Combined action observation and motor imagery in virtual reality. On watching and imagining oneself at a level that one has not yet achieved
C Frank, F Hülsmann, T Waltemate, D Wright, D Eaves, A Bruton, ...
Building the future of sport and exercise psychology, 2019
Accurate online alignment of human motor performances
F Hülsmann, S Kopp, A Richter, M Botsch
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Motion in Games, 1-6, 2017
Non-negative kernel sparse coding for the classification of motion data
B Hosseini, F Hülsmann, M Botsch, B Hammer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.03891, 2019
Learning with VR-based assistive systems
T Schack, C Frank, F Hülsmann, L Vogel
Movement and Cognition-Tel Aviv University July 2019, 2019
The ICSPACE Platform: A Virtual Reality Setup for Experiments in Motor Learning
F Hülsmann, T Waltemate, T Pfeiffer, C Frank, T Schack, M Botsch, ...
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Articles 1–20