Sven Türpe
Sven Türpe
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Can Security Become a Routine? A Study of Organizational Change in an Agile Software Development Group
A Poller, L Kocksch, S Türpe, FA Epp, K Kinder-Kurlanda
ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing …, 2017
Electronic Identity Cards for User Authentication—Promise and Practice
A Poller, U Waldmann, S Vowé, S Türpe
Security & Privacy, IEEE 10 (1), 46-54, 2012
The Trouble With Security Requirements
S Türpe
25th IEEE International Requirments Engineering Conference, 2017
Attacking the BitLocker boot process
S Türpe, A Poller, J Steffan, JP Stotz, J Trukenmüller
Trusted Computing: Second International Conference, Trust 2009, Oxford, UK …, 2009
Quantifying the Attack Surface of a Web Application
T Heumann, J Keller, S Türpe
GI Sicherheit 2010: Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit., 305, 2010
Managing Security Work in Scrum: Tensions and Challenges.
S Türpe, A Poller
SecSE@ ESORICS 2017, 34-49, 2017
Penetration Tests a Turning Point in Security Practices? Organizational Challenges and Implications in a Software Development Team
S Türpe, L Kocksch, A Poller
2nd Workshop on Security Information Workers, 2016
Security testing: Turning practice into theory
S Türpe
1st ICST Workshop on Security Testing, 295-302, 2008
Testing production systems safely: Common precautions in penetration testing
S Türpe, J Eichler
Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference-Practice and Research Techniques …, 2009
An Asset to Security Modeling? Analyzing Stakeholder Collaborations Instead of Threats to Assets
A Poller, S Türpe, K Kinder-Kurlanda
New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW), 2014
Threat analysis in the software development lifecycle
J Whitmore, S Türpe, S Triller, A Poller, C Carlson
IBM Journal of Research and Development 58 (1), 6:1-6:13, 2014
Search-Based Application Security Testing: Towards a Structured Search Space
S Türpe
Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), 2011 IEEE …, 2011
Idea: Usable Platforms for Secure Programming–Mining Unix for Insight and Guidelines
S Türpe
Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS), 2016
Point-and-Shoot Security Design: Can We Build Better Tools for Developers?
S Türpe
New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW'12), 2012
What is the shape of your security policy? Security as a classification problem
S Türpe
Proceedings of the 2009 New Security Paradigms Workshop, 23-36, 2009
UNITE-An Agent-Oriented Teamwork Environment
M Zapf, R Reinema, R Wolf, S Türpe
Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications: 4th International Workshop …, 2002
Denkverbote für Star-Trek-Computer? Big Data, statistische Modelle und lernende Maschinen
S Türpe, A Selzer, A Poller, M Bedner
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit-DuD 38 (1), 31-35, 2014
Emission statt Transaktion: Weshalb das klassische Datenschutzparadigma nicht mehr funktioniert
S Türpe, J Geuter, A Poller
Informationelle Selbstbestimmung im digitalen Wandel, 227-248, 2017
BitLocker Drive Encryption im mobilen und stationären Unternehmenseinsatz
J Steffan, A Poller, J Trukenmüller, JP Stotz, S Türpe
Phishing-Schutz im Online-Banking
S Türpe, A Baumann
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