Sri Astutik (
Sri Astutik (
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Cited by
The Practicality and Effectiveness of Collaborative Creativity Learning (CCL) Model by Using PhET Simulation to Increase Students' Scientific Creativity.
S Astutik, BK Prahani
International Journal of Instruction 11 (4), 409-424, 2018
The concept of" Kampus Merdeka" in accordance with Freire's critical pedagogy
BK Prahani, UA Deta, M Yasir, S Astutik, P Pandiangan, S Mahtari, ...
Studies in Philosophy of Science and Education 1 (1), 21-37, 2020
Pelatihan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) bagi guru SMAN Panarukan Situbondo
S Astutik, S Bektiarso
Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat 1 (1), 54-62, 2021
Meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dengan model siklus belajar (learning cycle 5e) berbasis eksperimen pada pembelajaran sains di sdn patrang i jember
S Astutik
The Effectiveness of Collaborative Creativity Learning Models (CCL) on Secondary Schools Scientific Creativity Skills.
S Astutik, E Susantini, M Nur
International Journal of Instruction 13 (3), 525-538, 2020
HOTS student worksheet to identification of scientific creativity skill, critical thinking skill and creative thinking skill in physics learning
S Astutik, IK Mahardika
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1465 (1), 012075, 2020
Pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing terhadap kemampuan komunikasi ilmiah dan hasil belajar fisika siswa SMA
OB Pramesti, S Supeno, S Astutik
Jurnal Ilmu Fisika Dan Pembelajarannya (JIFP) 4 (1), 21-30, 2020
Developing Teaching Material for Physics Based on Collaborative Creativity Learning (CCL) Model to Improve Scientific Creativity of Junior High School Student
BKP Sri Astutik
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA) 8 (2), 91-105, 2018
Pengembangan media audio-visual berbasis kontekstual dalam pembelajaran fisika di SMA
FE Priandono
Validity of collaborative creativity (CC) models
S Astutik, M Nur, E Susantini
The 3 International Conference on Research, Implementation and Education of …, 2016
Assessment of flood hazard mapping based on analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and GIS: application in kencong district, jember regency, Indonesia
MA Mujib, B Apriyanto, FA Kurnianto, FA Ikhsan, EA Nurdin, EI Pangastuti, ...
Identifikasi miskonsepsi siswa menggunakan four-tier diagnostic test pada materi hukum termodinamika di SMA Bondowoso
ND Handayani, S Astutik, AD Lesmono
What can students show about higher order thinking skills in physics learning?
S Astutik, S Bektiarso, AD Lesmono, L Nuraini
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 243 (1), 012127, 2019
Group Science Learning model to improve collaborative problem solving skills and self-confidence of primary schools teacher candidates
AZ Fuad, J Alfin, F Fauzan, S Astutik, BK Prahani
International Journal of Instruction 12 (03), 2019
Penggunaan Media Video Pembelajaran Dan Power Point Dalam Mata Pelajaran Tik Kelas VII di SMP Negeri 1 Gurah
SRI Astutik
Science, Engineering, Education, and Development Studies (SEEDS): Conference …, 2020
Lembar kerja siswa berbasis collaborative creativity untuk melatihkan kemampuan berargumentasi ilmiah siswa SMA
HZ Puspitaningrum, S Astutik, S Supeno
Analisis kemampuan argumentasi siswa SMP pada pembelajaran IPA
BO Imaniar, S Astutik
FKIP e-PROCEEDING 4 (1), 92-96, 2019
Pendampingan legalitas usaha mikro kecil dan menengah melalui sistem Online Single Submission di Desa Lemahbang Kecamatan Sukorejo
N Yuwita, S Astutik, S Badriyatul, S Rahayu
Khidmatuna: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2 (1), 41-48, 2021
Penerapan ketrampilan proses sains melalui model think pair share pada pembelajaran fisika di SMA
M Kale, S Astutik, R Dina
Peningkatan kemampuan numerasi melalui problem based learning (PBL) pada siswa kelas VI SDN Oro-Oro Ombo 02 Kota Batu
S Astutik
Jurnal Pendidikan Taman Widya Humaniora 1 (3), 561-582, 2022
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Articles 1–20