Alexander Zizka
Alexander Zizka
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CoordinateCleaner: Standardized cleaning of occurrence records from biological collection databases
A Zizka, D Silvestro, T Andermann, J Azevedo, C Duarte Ritter, D Edler, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (5), 744-751, 2019
Amazonia is the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity
A Antonelli, A Zizka, FA Carvalho, R Scharn, CD Bacon, D Silvestro, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (23), 6034-6039, 2018
Estimating species diversity and distribution in the era of Big Data: to what extent can we trust public databases?
C Maldonado, CI Molina, A Zizka, C Persson, CM Taylor, J Albán, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 24 (8), 973-984, 2015
Infomap bioregions: interactive mapping of biogeographical regions from species distributions
D Edler, T Guedes, A Zizka, M Rosvall, A Antonelli
Systematic biology 66 (2), 197-204, 2017
Conceptual and empirical advances in Neotropical biodiversity research
A Antonelli, M Ariza, J Albert, T Andermann, J Azevedo, C Bacon, ...
PeerJ 6, e5644, 2018
The Andes through time: evolution and distribution of Andean floras
OA Pérez-Escobar, A Zizka, MA Bermúdez, AS Meseguer, FL Condamine, ...
Trends in Plant Science 27 (4), 364-378, 2022
Traditional plant use in Burkina Faso (West Africa): a national-scale analysis with focus on traditional medicine
A Zizka, A Thiombiano, S Dressler, BMI Nacoulma, A Ouédraogo, ...
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 11, 1-10, 2015
No one-size-fits-all solution to clean GBIF
A Zizka, FA Carvalho, A Calvente, MR Baez-Lizarazo, A Cabral, ...
PeerJ 8, e9916, 2020
SpeciesGeoCoder: Fast categorization of species occurrences for analyses of biodiversity, biogeography, ecology, and evolution
M Töpel, A Zizka, MF Calió, R Scharn, D Silvestro, A Antonelli
Systematic Biology 66 (2), 145-151, 2017
LCVP, The Leipzig catalogue of vascular plants, a new taxonomic reference list for all known vascular plants
M Freiberg, M Winter, A Gentile, A Zizka, AN Muellner-Riehl, A Weigelt, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 416, 2020
An engine for global plant diversity: highest evolutionary turnover and emigration in the American tropics
A Antonelli, A Zizka, D Silvestro, R Scharn, B Cascales-Miñana, ...
Frontiers in Genetics 6, 130, 2015
Patterns, biases and prospects in the distribution and diversity of Neotropical snakes
TB Guedes, RJ Sawaya, A Zizka, S Laffan, S Faurby, RA Pyron, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (1), 14-21, 2018
sampbias, a method for quantifying geographic sampling biases in species distribution data
A Zizka, A Antonelli, D Silvestro
Ecography 44 (1), 25-32, 2021
Bridging the research-implementation gap in IUCN Red List assessments
V Cazalis, M Di Marco, SHM Butchart, HR Akçakaya, M González-Suárez, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (4), 359-370, 2022
Automated conservation assessment of the orchid family with deep learning
A Zizka, D Silvestro, P Vitt, TM Knight
Conservation Biology 35 (3), 897-908, 2021
Global patterns in endemicity and vulnerability of soil fungi
L Tedersoo, V Mikryukov, A Zizka, M Bahram, N Hagh‐Doust, S Anslan, ...
Global change biology 28 (22), 6696-6710, 2022
Effects of large herbivores on fire regimes and wildfire mitigation
J Rouet‐Leduc, G Pe'er, F Moreira, A Bonn, W Helmer, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 58 (12), 2690-2702, 2021
Biogeography and conservation status of the pineapple family (Bromeliaceae)
A Zizka, J Azevedo, E Leme, B Neves, AF da Costa, D Caceres, G Zizka
Diversity and Distributions 26, 183-195, 2020
Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity: Threats and opportunities
H Ralimanana, AL Perrigo, RJ Smith, JS Borrell, S Faurby, MT Rajaonah, ...
Science 378 (6623), eadf1466, 2022
Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity: Evolution, distribution, and use
A Antonelli, RJ Smith, AL Perrigo, A Crottini, J Hackel, W Testo, H Farooq, ...
Science 378 (6623), eabf0869, 2022
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