Steven Vanonckelen
Steven Vanonckelen
Dr. ir., KU Leuven, Belgium
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Cited by
The effect of atmospheric and topographic correction methods on land cover classification accuracy
S Vanonckelen, S Lhermitte, A Van Rompaey
International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation 24, 9-21, 2013
Performance of atmospheric and topographic correction methods on Landsat imagery in mountain areas
S Vanonckelen, S Lhermitte, V Balthazar, A Van Rompaey
International Journal of Remote Sensing 35 (13), 4952-4972, 2014
The effect of atmospheric and topographic correction on pixel-based image composites: Improved forest cover detection in mountain environments
S Vanonckelen, S Lhermitte, A Van Rompaey
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 35 …, 2015
Spatiotemporal analysis of the controlling factors of forest cover change in the Romanian Carpathian Mountains
S Vanonckelen, A Van Rompaey
Mountain Research and Development 35 (4), 338-350, 2015
Impact of papyrus wetland encroachment on spatial and temporal variabilities of stream flow and sediment export from wet tropical catchments
N Ryken, M Vanmaercke, J Wanyama, M Isabirye, S Vanonckelen, ...
Science of the Total Environment 511, 756-766, 2015
LIFE+ OZON ontsnippert het Zoniënwoud
S Vanonckelen, A Kuijsters, P Huvenne, S Vanwijnsberght, JF Plumier
Bosrevue, BOS+ 49, 1-4, 2014
Do combined atmospheric and topographic correction methods improve land cover classification accuracy in mountain areas?
S Vanonckelen, S Lhermitte, A Van Rompaey
Multitemp, Date: 2013/06/26-2013/06/28, Location: Banff-Canada, 2013
Land use and land use dynamics in the upper-Rwizi river catchment, Southwestern Uganda
S Vanonckelen, JA Deckers, J Poesen, J Wanyama, M Isabirye
Day of Young Soil Scientists 2010, Date: 2010/02/23-2010/02/23, Location …, 2010
Publications, presentations and other activities The effect of atmospheric and topographic correction methods on land cover classification accuracy 2013
S Vanonckelen, S Lhermitte, A Van Rompaey
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Articles 1–9