Alex Djalali
Cited by
Cited by
Distinguishing the said from the implicated using a novel experimental paradigm
M Larson, R Doran, Y McNabb, R Baker, M Berends, A Djalali, G Ward
Semantics and pragmatics: from experiment to theory, 74-93, 2009
Modeling expert effects and common ground using Questions Under Discussion
A Djalali, D Clausen, S Lauer, K Schultz, C Potts
2011 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, 2011
Corpus evidence for preference-driven interpretation
A Djalali, S Lauer, C Potts
Logic, Language and Meaning: 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The …, 2012
Extension, ontological type, and morphosyntactic class: Three ingredients of countability
D Clausen, A Djalali, S Grimm, S Lauer, T Rojas-Esponda, B Levin
Conference on Empirical, Theoretical and Computational Approaches to …, 2010
What can be ground? Noun type constructions, and the universal grinder
A Djalali, S Grimm, D Clausen, B Levin
Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. University of California …, 2011
A constructive solution to the ranking problem in partial order optimality theory
AJ Djalali
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 26 (2), 89-108, 2017
A conceptual-epistemic perspective on model theory
S Lauer, A Djalali
Workshop Presentation]. Stefan Kaufmann, 2014
Synthetic logic
AJ Djalali
Linguistic Issues in Language Technology 9, 151–166-151–166, 2014
If You Own It, It Exists; If You Love It, That Says Something about You, Not It: Semantically Conditioned Case in Finnish
A Djalali
Proceedings of WCCFL 30, 131-141, 2012
On adjectival comparatives
AJ Djalali
Stanford University, 2015
The effect of focus on bridging inferences
A Djalali, J Pierrehumbert, B Clark
LSA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Jan, 3-6, 2008
Probabilistic inference in dynamic semantics
A Djalali, S Kaufmann
Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Logic and Language, 99-107, 2009
The effects of scale type and salience on the interpretation of scalar implicature
R Baker, M Berends, A Djalali, R Doran, M Larson, Y McNabb, G Ward
LSA Annual Meeting, Linguistic Society of America, 2008
Distinguishing among contextually-determined aspects of utterance meaning: An empirical investigation
M Larson, R Doran, RE Baker, M Berends, A Djalali, Y McNabb, G Ward
annual meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, Anaheim, CA, 2007
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Articles 1–14