Rainer Waser
Rainer Waser
Professur Elektronische Materialien, RWTH Aachen University
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Nanoionics-based resistive switching memories
R Waser, M Aono
Nature materials 6 (11), 833-840, 2007
Redox-Based Resistive Switching Memories-Nanoionic Mechanisms, Prospects, and Challenges.
R Waser, R Dittmann, G Staikov, K Szot
Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 21 (25-26), 2632-2663, 2009
Switching the electrical resistance of individual dislocations in single-crystalline SrTiO3
K Szot, W Speier, G Bihlmayer, R Waser
Nature materials 5 (4), 312-320, 2006
Nanoelectronics and information technology: advanced electronic materials and novel devices
R Waser
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Resistive switching mechanism of TiO2 thin films grown by atomic-layer deposition
BJ Choi, DS Jeong, SK Kim, C Rohde, S Choi, JH Oh, HJ Kim, CS Hwang, ...
Journal of applied physics 98 (3), 2005
Complementary resistive switches for passive nanocrossbar memories
E Linn, R Rosezin, C Kügeler, R Waser
Nature materials 9 (5), 403-406, 2010
Electrochemical metallization memories—fundamentals, applications, prospects
I Valov, R Waser, JR Jameson, MN Kozicki
Nanotechnology 22 (25), 254003, 2011
Electrical properties of the grain boundaries of oxygen ion conductors: acceptor-doped zirconia and ceria
X Guo, R Waser
Progress in Materials Science 51 (2), 151-210, 2006
Dc electrical degradation of perovskite‐type titanates: I, ceramics
R Waser, T Baiatu, KH Härdtl
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 73 (6), 1645-1653, 1990
Nanotechnology: A gentle introduction to the next big idea
MA Ratner, D Ratner
Prentice Hall Professional, 2003
Electrochemical dynamics of nanoscale metallic inclusions in dielectrics
Y Yang, P Gao, L Li, X Pan, S Tappertzhofen, SH Choi, R Waser, I Valov, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4232, 2014
Nanoscale cation motion in TaOx, HfOx and TiOx memristive systems
A Wedig, M Luebben, DY Cho, M Moors, K Skaja, V Rana, T Hasegawa, ...
Nature nanotechnology 11 (1), 67-74, 2016
Chemical solution deposition of electronic oxide films
RW Schwartz, T Schneller, R Waser
Comptes Rendus Chimie 7 (5), 433-461, 2004
Resistive switching: from fundamentals of nanoionic redox processes to memristive device applications
D Ielmini, R Waser
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Nanobatteries in redox-based resistive switches require extension of memristor theory
I Valov, E Linn, S Tappertzhofen, S Schmelzer, J van den Hurk, F Lentz, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1771, 2013
Electroceramic materials
N Setter, R Waser
Acta materialia 48 (1), 151-178, 2000
Dc electrical degradation of perovskite‐type titanates: III, a model of the mechanism
T Baiatu, R Waser, KH Härdtl
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 73 (6), 1663-1673, 1990
Bulk conductivity and defect chemistry of acceptor‐doped strontium titanate in the quenched state
R Waser
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 74 (8), 1934-1940, 1991
Theoretical current-voltage characteristics of ferroelectric tunnel junctions
H Kohlstedt, NA Pertsev, J Rodríguez Contreras, R Waser
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (12), 125341, 2005
Bipolar and Unipolar Resistive Switching in Cu-Doped
C Schindler, SCP Thermadam, R Waser, MN Kozicki
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 54 (10), 2762-2768, 2007
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