Stefan Emeis
Stefan Emeis
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Wind energy meteorology: atmospheric physics for wind power generation
S Emeis
Springer, 2018
Application of a multiscale, coupled MM5/chemistry model to the complex terrain of the VOTALP valley campaign
GA Grell, S Emeis, WR Stockwell, T Schoenemeyer, R Forkel, ...
Atmospheric Environment 34 (9), 1435-1453, 2000
Surface-based remote sensing of the mixing-layer height-a review
S Emeis, K Schafer, C Munkel
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 17 (5), 621, 2008
Atmospheric boundary-layer structure from simultaneous SODAR, RASS, and ceilometer measurements
S Emeis, C Münkel, S Vogt, WJ Müller, K Schäfer
Atmospheric environment 38 (2), 273-286, 2004
First in situ evidence of wakes in the far field behind offshore wind farms
A Platis, SK Siedersleben, J Bange, A Lampert, K Bärfuss, R Hankers, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 2163, 2018
Secondary effects of urban heat island mitigation measures on air quality
J Fallmann, R Forkel, S Emeis
Atmospheric environment 125, 199-211, 2016
The dependence of offshore turbulence intensity on wind speed
M Türk, S Emeis
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 98 (8-9), 466-471, 2010
Surface-based remote sensing of the atmospheric boundary layer
S Emeis
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Remote sensing methods to investigate boundary-layer structures relevant to air pollution in cities
S Emeis, K Schäfer
Boundary-layer meteorology 121, 377-385, 2006
Process‐based modelling of isoprene emission by oak leaves
W Zimmer, N Brüggemann, S Emeis, C Giersch, A Lehning, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 23 (6), 585-595, 2000
A simple analytical wind park model considering atmospheric stability
S Emeis
Wind energy 13 (5), 459-469, 2010
Air pollution transport in an Alpine valley: Results from airborne and ground-based observations
A Gohm, F Harnisch, J Vergeiner, F Obleitner, R Schnitzhofer, A Hansel, ...
Boundary-layer meteorology 131, 441-463, 2009
Simultaneous multicopter-based air sampling and sensing of meteorological variables
C Brosy, K Krampf, M Zeeman, B Wolf, W Junkermann, K Schäfer, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 10 (8), 2773-2784, 2017
Influence of mixing layer height upon air pollution in urban and sub-urban areas
K Schafer, S Emeis, H Hoffmann, C Jahn
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 15 (6), 647-658, 2006
Nocturnal secondary ozone concentration maxima analysed by sodar observations and surface measurements
O Reitebuch, A Strassburger, S Emeis, W Kuttler
Atmospheric Environment 34 (25), 4315-4329, 2000
Revisiting the definition of the drag coefficient in the marine atmospheric boundary layer
RJ Foreman, S Emeis
Journal of physical oceanography 40 (10), 2325-2332, 2010
Boundary-layer anemometry by optical remote sensing for wind energy applications
S Emeis, M Harris, RM Banta
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 16 (4), 337-348, 2007
Current issues in wind energy meteorology
S Emeis
Meteorological Applications 21 (4), 803-819, 2014
The surface energy balance and the mixing height in urban areas—activities and recommendations of COST-Action 715
M Piringer, S Joffre, A Baklanov, A Christen, M Deserti, K De Ridder, ...
Boundary-layer meteorology 124, 3-24, 2007
Multiple atmospheric layering and mixing-layer height in the Inn valley observed by remote sensing
S Emeis, C Jahn, C Munkel, C Munsterer, K Schafer
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 16 (4), 415-424, 2007
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