Leonie Reutner
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The color red reduces snack food and soft drink intake
O Genschow, L Reutner, M Wänke
Appetite 58 (2), 699-702, 2012
Faced with exclusion: Perceived facial warmth and competence influence moral judgments of social exclusion
SC Rudert, L Reutner, R Greifeneder, M Walker
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 68, 101-112, 2017
The adaptive eater: Perceived healthiness moderates the effect of the color red on consumption
L Reutner, O Genschow, M Wänke
Food quality and Preference 44, 172-178, 2015
For my own benefit or for the benefit of others: Reminders of money moderate the effects of self-related versus other-related persuasive arguments
L Reutner, M Wänke
Social Psychological and Personality Science 4 (2), 220-223, 2013
An unscathed past in the face of death: Mortality salience reduces individuals' regrets
SC Rudert, L Reutner, M Walker, R Greifeneder
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 58, 34-41, 2015
Einstellung und Verhalten
M Wänke, L Reutner, G Bohner
Hogrefe, 2011
Direction-of-comparison effects: How and why comparing apples with oranges is different from comparing oranges with apples.
M Wänke, L Reutner
Psychology Press, 2011
Pragmatic persuasion or the persuasion paradox
M Wänke, L Reutner
J., Forgas, W., Crano, J. Cooper,(Eds.), The psychology of attitudes and …, 2010
The cold heart: Reminders of money cause feelings of physical coldness
L Reutner, J Hansen, R Greifeneder
Social Psychological and Personality Science 6 (5), 490-495, 2015
It takes time (not money) to understand: Money reduces attentiveness to common ground in communication
L Reutner, R Greifeneder
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 74, 212-217, 2018
The snacking chameleon: Psychological proximity increases imitation of food intake independently of brand choice
C Bischoff, L Reutner, J Hansen
Foods 9 (2), 228, 2020
Sex sells? The role of female agency in sexualized advertisements
M Keller, M Walker, L Reutner
Social Psychological Bulletin 15 (1), 1-28, 2020
Catalyzing decisions: How a coin flip strengthens affective reactions
ME Jaffé, L Reutner, R Greifeneder
PLoS One 14 (8), e0220736, 2019
This feels like the right choice: how decision aids may facilitate affect-based valuation
ME Jaffé, M Douneva, L Reutner, R Greifeneder
Cognition and Emotion 36 (6), 1218-1237, 2022
Supplementary materials to: Sex sells? The role of female agency in sexualized advertisements
M Keller, M Walker, L Reutner
PsychOpen GOLD, 2020
Raw data–Sex Sells? The role of female agency in sexualized advertisements
M Keller, M Walker, L Reutner
PsychArchives, 2019
Sexualized but not objectified-When do women react negatively towards sexualized advertisements
MD Keller, L Reutner, M Walker, R Greifeneder
NA-Advances in Consumer Research 44, 741, 2017
Money and Me: Thoughts of Money Change Individuals' Self-View.
L Reutner, M Walker, R Greifeneder
Advances in Consumer Research 44, 2016
From Persuasive Arguments to Subtle Cues: Overt and Covert Influences on Consumer Judgment and Behavior
L Reutner
Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 2012
The construal of brand extensions: The effects of abstract vs. concrete mindsets on product judgement and evaluation
L Reutner, M Wänke
Association for Consumer Research 9, 574-575, 2011
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