Andreas Schlachetzki
Andreas Schlachetzki
Professor, Technical University Braunschweig
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Doping profile analysis in Si by electrochemical capacitance‐voltage measurements
E Peiner, A Schlachetzki, D Krüger
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 142 (2), 576, 1995
Optical parameters of InP-based waveguides
F Fiedler, A Schlachetzki
Solid-state electronics 30 (1), 73-83, 1987
Electron-concentration dependence of absorption and refraction in n-In0.53Ga0.47As near the band-edge
D Hahn, O Jaschinski, HH Wehmann, A Schlachetzki, M Von Ortenberg
Journal of electronic materials 24, 1357-1361, 1995
A micromachined vibration sensor based on the control of power transmitted between optical fibres
E Peiner, D Scholz, A Schlachetzki, P Hauptmann
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 65 (1), 23-29, 1998
Shubnikov-de Haas effect and effective mass inn-InP in dependence on carrier concentration
D Schneider, D Rürup, A Plichta, HU Grubert, A Schlachetzki, K Hansen
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 95, 281-285, 1994
Anodic Dissolution during Electrochemical Carrier‐Concentration Profiling of Silicon
E Peiner, A Schlachetzki
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 139 (2), 552, 1992
Methods of characterising micro mechanical beams and its calibration for the application in micro force measurement systems
W Hoffmann, S Loheide, T Kleine-Besten, U Brand, A Schlachetzki
Proc. MicroTec, 819-823, 2000
Wet Chemical Etching of Alignment V‐Grooves in (100) InP through Titanium or In0. 53Ga0. 47As Masks
R Klockenbrink, E Peiner, HH Wehmann, A Schlachetzki
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 141 (6), 1594, 1994
Impurity conduction and magnetoresistance in lightly dopedn-type GaAs
H Kahlert, G Landwehr, A Schlachetzki, H Salow
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 24 (4), 361-365, 1976
A low-frequency micromechanical resonant vibration sensor for wear monitoring
H Fritsch, R Lucklum, T Iwert, P Hauptmann, D Scholz, E Peiner, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 62 (1-3), 616-620, 1997
Gunn device gigabit rate digital microcircuits
K Mause, A Schlachetzki, E Hesse, H Salow
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 10 (1), 2-12, 1975
Material-selective etching of InP and an InGaAsP alloy
F Fiedler, A Schlachetzki, G Klein
Journal of Materials Science 17, 2911-2918, 1982
Radar sensor and radar antenna for monitoring the environment of a motor vehicle
E Lissel, A Jacob, A Schlachetzki, HH Wehmann, E Peiner, H Schroeter, ...
US Patent 6,686,867, 2004
Monolithic InGaAsP optoelectronic devices with silicon electronics
D Fehly, A Schlachetzki, AS Bakin, A Guttzeit, HH Wehmann
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 37 (10), 1246-1252, 2001
Ultrasmooth V‐Grooves in InP by Two‐Step Wet Chemical Etching
P Bönsch, D Wüllner, T Schrimpf, A Schlachetzki, R Lacmann
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 145 (4), 1273, 1998
Incorporation of Sn into epitaxial GaAs grown from the liquid phase
E Kuphal, A Schlachetzki, A Pöcker
Applied physics 17, 63-72, 1978
Growth of InP layers on nanometer-scale patterned Si substrates
A Bakin, D Piester, I Behrens, HH Wehmann, E Peiner, A Ivanov, D Fehly, ...
Crystal growth & design 3 (1), 89-93, 2003
Laser-action in V-groove-shaped InGaAs-InP single quantum wires
D Piester, P Bonsch, T Schrimpf, HH Wehmann, A Schlachetzki
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 6 (3), 522-527, 2000
Optical absorption and refractive index near the band gap for InGaAsP
W Kowalsky, HH Wehmann, F Fiedler, A Schlachetzki
Phys. Status Solidi A;(German Democratic Republic) 77 (1), 1983
Halbleiter-Elektronik: Grundlagen und moderne Entwicklung
A Schlachetzki
Teubner, 1990
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Articles 1–20