Clemens Wöllner
Clemens Wöllner
Professor für Systematische Musikwissenschaft, Hochschule für Musik Freiburg
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Is empathy related to the perception of emotional expression in music? A multimodal time-series analysis
C Wöllner
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 6 (3), 214, 2012
Seeing or hearing the pianists? A synopsis of an early audiovisual perception experiment and a replication
KE Behne, C Wöllner
Musicae Scientiae 15 (3), 324-342, 2011
An exploratory study of the role of performance feedback and musical imagery in piano playing
C Wöllner, A Williamon
Research Studies in Music Education 29 (1), 39-54, 2007
Which part of the conductor's body conveys most expressive information? A spatial occlusion approach
C Wöllner
Musicae Scientiae 12 (2), 249-272, 2008
Perceiving conductors' expressive gestures from different visual perspectives. An exploratory continuous response study
C Wöllner, W Auhagen
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 26 (2), 129-143, 2008
The perception of prototypical motion: Synchronization is enhanced with quantitatively morphed gestures of musical conductors
C Wöllner, FJA Deconinck, J Parkinson, MJ Hove, PE Keller
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 38 (6 …, 2012
Keeping an eye on the violinist: motor experts show superior timing consistency in a visual perception task
C Wöllner, R Cañal-Bruland
Psychological Research 74 (6), 579-585, 2010
Slow motion in films and video clips: Music influences perceived duration and emotion, autonomic physiological activation and pupillary responses
C Wöllner, D Hammerschmidt, H Albrecht
PLoS One 13 (6), e0199161, 2018
The effects of distracted inner hearing on sight-reading
C Wöllner, E Halfpenny, S Ho, K Kurosawa
Psychology of Music 31 (4), 377-389, 2003
Spontaneous motor tempo: Investigating psychological, chronobiological, and demographic factors in a large-scale online tapping experiment
D Hammerschmidt, K Frieler, C Wöllner
Frontiers in Psychology, 2338, 2021
Body, Sound and Space in Music and Beyond: Multimodal Explorations
C Wöllner
Taylor & Francis, 2017
Team teaching in the conservatoire: the views of music performance staff and students
C Wöllner, J Ginsborg
British Journal of Music Education 28 (3), 301-323, 2011
Music researchers’ musical engagement
C Wöllner, J Ginsborg, A Williamon
Psychology of Music 39 (3), 364-382, 2011
Attentional flexibility and memory capacity in conductors and pianists
C Wöllner, AR Halpern
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 78 (1), 198-208, 2016
Score one for jazz: Working memory in jazz and classical musicians.
BE Nichols, C Wöllner, AR Halpern
Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain 28 (2), 101, 2018
Sensorimotor Synchronization with Higher Metrical Levels in Music Shortens Perceived Time
D Hammerschmidt, C Wöllner
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 37 (4), 263-277, 2020
Self-recognition of highly skilled actions: A study of orchestral conductors
C Wöllner
Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3), 1311-1321, 2012
Tapping to hip-hop: Effects of cognitive load, arousal, and musical meter on time experiences
C Wöllner, D Hammerschmidt
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2021
Time perception in human movement: Effects of speed and agency on duration estimation
E Allingham, D Hammerschmidt, C Wöllner
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 74 (3), 559-572, 2021
On the Move: Principal Components of the Functions and Experiences of Mobile Music Listening
M Kuch, C Wöllner
Music & Science 4, 20592043211032852, 2021
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