Matthias Kalverkamp
Matthias Kalverkamp
Wiesbaden Business School
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Automotive Remanufacturing in the Circular Economy in Europe: Marketing System Challenges
M Kalverkamp, T Raabe
Journal of Macromarketing 38 (1), 112-130, 2017
In support of open-loop supply chains: Expanding the scope of environmental sustainability in reverse supply chains
M Kalverkamp, SB Young
Journal of Cleaner Production 214, 573-582, 2019
Hidden potentials in open-loop supply chains for remanufacturing
M Kalverkamp
The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2018
Cascade Use and the Management of Product Lifecycles
M Kalverkamp, A Pehlken, T Wuest
Sustainability 9 (9), 1540, 2017
Impacts of life cycle inventory databases on life cycle assessments: A review by means of a drivetrain case study
M Kalverkamp, E Helmers, A Pehlken
Journal of Cleaner Production 269, 121329, 2020
Decision making and software solutions with regard to waste management
C Burger, M Kalverkamp, A Pehlken
Journal of Cleaner Production 205, 210-225, 2018
WEEE data management in Germany and Serbia
S Diedler, J Hobohm, B Batinic, M Kalverkamp, K Kuchta
Glob. NEST J 20, 751-757, 2018
Collaborative Serious Games for awareness on shared resources in supply chain management
JB Hauge, M Kalverkamp, M Forcolin, H Westerheim, M Franke, ...
IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems …, 2014
Comparability of Life Cycle Assessments: Modelling and Analyzing LCA Using Different Databases
M Kalverkamp, N Karbe
Cascade Use in Technologies 2018, 51-63, 2019
An Experiential Design Process and Holistic Model of User Experience for Supporting User Co-creation
M Pallot, M Kalverkamp, S Vicini, B Trousse, A Vilmos, K Furdik, R Nikolov
OPEN INNOVATION Yearbook, 2014
Logistics IoT services development with a sensor toolkit in an experiential training environment
M Kalverkamp, JB Hauge, KD Thoben
2013 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE …, 2013
Cascade Utilization During the End-of-Life of Product Service Systems: Synergies and Challenges
MA Khan, M Kalverkamp, T Wuest
Cascade Use in Technologies 2018, 1-7, 2019
IoT service development via adaptive interfaces: improving utilization of cyber-physical systems by competence based user interfaces
M Kalverkamp, C Gorldt
2014 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE …, 2014
Requirements on learning analytics for facilitated and non facilitated games
JB Hauge, M Kalverkamp, F Bellotti, R Berta, A De Gloria, G Barabino
2014 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1126-1132, 2014
Living Lab approach to create an Internet of Things service
S Wellsandt, M Kalverkamp, J Eschenbächer, KD Thoben
2012 18th International ICE Conference on Engineering, Technology and …, 2012
Sustainability of Cascading Product Lifecycles
M Kalverkamp, A Pehlken, T Wuest, SB Young
IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, 159-168, 2018
Analysis on educating mechanical engineers through serious games using pervasive technologies
JM Baalsrud Hauge, T Lim, M Kalverkamp, F Haase, F Bellotti
ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and …, 2016
Uncovering requirements using serious games
C Durugbo, M Kalverkamp
2012 18th International ICE Conference on Engineering, Technology and …, 2012
Supplier Relationship Management in a Circular Economy: Core Brokers in Automotive Remanufacturing
M Kalverkamp
22nd International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2017), 2017
Cascade Use in Technologies 2018: Internationale Konferenz Zur Kaskadennutzung und Kreislaufwirtschaft–Oldenburg 2018
A Pehlken, M Kalverkamp, R Wittstock
Springer, 2018
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