Mathias Mormul
Mathias Mormul
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Universität Stuttgart
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Cited by
Secure real-time communication and computing infrastructure for Industry 4.0—challenges and opportunities
E Zielinski, J Schulz-Zander, M Zimmermann, C Schellenberger, ...
2019 international conference on networked systems (NetSys), 1-6, 2019
Situation model as interface between situation recognition and situation-aware applications
M Mormul, P Hirmer, M Wieland, B Mitschang
Computer Science-Research and Development 32 (3), 331-342, 2017
A context model for holistic monitoring and management of complex IT environments
M Mormul, C Stach
2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2020
Dear: Distributed evaluation of alerting rules
M Mormul, P Hirmer, C Stach, B Mitschang
2020 IEEE 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 158-165, 2020
Avoiding vendor-lockin in cloud monitoring using generic agent templates
M Mormul, P Hirmer, C Stach, B Mitschang
Business Information Systems: 23rd International Conference, BIS 2020 …, 2020
Anforderungen für Zeitreihendatenbanken in der industriellen Edge
D Petrik, M Mormul, P Reimann
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 56 (6), 1282-1308, 2019
Anforderungen für Zeitreihendatenbanken im industriellen IoT
D Petrik, M Mormul, P Reimann, C Gröger
IoT–Best Practices: Internet der Dinge, Geschäftsmodellinnovationen, IoT …, 2021
Layered Modeling Approach for Distributed Situation Recognition in Smart Environments
M Mormul, P Hirmer, M Wieland, B Mitschang
2018 7th International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and …, 2018
Entwicklung eines Situationsmodells als Schnittstelle zwischen Situationserkennung und Workflows
M Mormul
„Distributed Situation Recognition in Industry 4.0 “
M Mormul, P Hirmer, M Wieland, B Mitschang
International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, 12.1-2, 2019
Situation-aware adaptation of choreographies—The DiStOPT approach
P Hirmer, U Breitenbücher, D Del Gaudio, K Képes, F Leymann, ...
Frontiers in The Internet of Things 1, 1054963, 2022
Konzepte zur Verbesserung des Monitoring in industriellen Cloud-Umgebungen
M Mormul
Secure Delete Object Store-sicheres Löschen auf nicht vertrauenswürdigen Speichersystemen
M Mormul
First Workshop on Advanced Communication Networks for Indus-trial Applications (AIComNets)
P Engelhard, A Zachlod, J Schulz-Zander, S Du, H Klaus, F Hetzelt, ...
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Articles 1–14