Carla Fabiana Chiasserini
Carla Fabiana Chiasserini
Full Professor, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
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Cooperation in wireless ad hoc networks
V Srinivasan, P Nuggehalli, CF Chiasserini, RR Rao
IEEE INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE …, 2003
Energy efficient battery management
CF Chiasserini, RR Rao
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 19 (7), 1235-1245, 2001
Edge computing for smart health: Context-aware approaches, opportunities, and challenges
AA Abdellatif, A Mohamed, CF Chiasserini, M Tlili, A Erbad
IEEE Network 33 (3), 196-203, 2019
Modeling the performance of wireless sensor networks
CF Chiasserini, M Garetto
IEEE INFOCOM 2004 1, 2004
Battery life estimation of mobile embedded systems
D Panigrahi, C Chiasserini, S Dey, R Rao, A Raghunathan, K Lahiri
VLSI Design 2001. Fourteenth International Conference on VLSI Design, 57-63, 2001
Planning roadside infrastructure for information dissemination in intelligent transportation systems
O Trullols, M Fiore, C Casetti, CF Chiasserini, JMB Ordinas
Computer Communications 33 (4), 432-442, 2010
Pulsed battery discharge in communication devices
CF Chiasserini, RR Rao
Proceedings of the 5th annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Mobile …, 1999
Energy efficient design of wireless ad hoc networks
CF Chiasserini, I Chlamtac, P Monti, A Nucci
NETWORKING 2002: Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols …, 2002
Improving battery performance by using traffic shaping techniques
CF Chiasserini, RR Rao
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 19 (7), 1385-1394, 2001
Coexistence mechanisms for interference mitigation in the 2.4-GHz ISM band
CF Chiasserini, RR Rao
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2 (5), 964-975, 2003
5G-advanced toward 6G: Past, present, and future
W Chen, X Lin, J Lee, A Toskala, S Sun, CF Chiasserini, L Liu
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 41 (6), 1592-1619, 2023
Coexistence mechanisms for interference mitigation between IEEE 802.11 WLANs and Bluetooth
CF Chiasserini, RR Rao
Proceedings. Twenty-First Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2002
Medge-chain: Leveraging edge computing and blockchain for efficient medical data exchange
AA Abdellatif, L Samara, A Mohamed, A Erbad, CF Chiasserini, M Guizani, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (21), 15762-15775, 2021
A model for battery pulsed discharge with recovery effect
CF Chiasserini, RR Rao
WCNC. 1999 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (Cat. No …, 1999
Energy-efficient caching strategies in ad hoc wireless networks
P Nuggehalli, V Srinivasan, CF Chiasserini
Proceedings of the 4th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2003
Joint VNF placement and CPU allocation in 5G
S Agarwal, F Malandrino, CF Chiasserini, S De
IEEE INFOCOM 2018-IEEE conference on computer communications, 1943-1951, 2018
VNF placement and resource allocation for the support of vertical services in 5G networks
S Agarwal, F Malandrino, CF Chiasserini, S De
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking 27 (1), 433-446, 2019
An analytical model for wireless sensor networks with sleeping nodes
CF Chiasserini, M Garetto
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 5 (12), 1706-1718, 2006
Energy consumption and image quality in wireless video-surveillance networks
CF Chiasserini, E Magli
The 13th IEEE international symposium on personal, indoor and mobile radio …, 2002
Maximizing system lifetime in wireless sensor networks
A Alfieri, A Bianco, P Brandimarte, CF Chiasserini
European journal of Operational research 181 (1), 390-402, 2007
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