Julia M. Jonas
Julia M. Jonas
Siemens AG / HHL
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Innovation in service ecosystems—Breaking, making, and maintaining institutionalized rules of resource integration
K Koskela-Huotari, B Edvardsson, JM Jonas, D Sörhammar, L Witell
Journal of Business Research 69 (8), 2964-2971, 2016
Digital Transformation in Service Management
AN Martin Matzner, Marion Büttgen, Haluk Demirkan, Jim Spohrer, Steven Alter ...
Journal of Service Management Research 2 (2/2018), 3-21, 2018
Stakeholder engagement in intra-and inter-organizational innovation: Exploring antecedents of engagement in service ecosystems
JM Jonas, J Boha, D Sörhammar, KM Moeslein
Journal of Service Management, 2018
Organizing actor Engagement: A platform perspective
L Blasco-Arcas, M Alexander, D Sörhammar, JM Jonas, S Raithel, T Chen
Journal of Business Research 118, 74-85, 2020
Creating Competitive Advantage from Services: A Design Thinking Case Study from the Commodities Industry Service design thinking can provide the tools to help companies design …
C Rau, A Zbiek, JM Jonas
Research-Technology Management 60 (3), 48-56, 2017
Creating Competitive Advantage from Services.
C Rau, A Zbiek, JM Jonas
Research Technology Management 60 (3), 2017
Frontline employees' acceptance of and resistance to service robots in stationary retail-an exploratory interview study
P Meyer, JM Jonas, A Roth
SMR-Journal of Service Management Research 4 (1), 21-34, 2020
Frontline Employees' Acceptance of and Resistance to Service Robots in Stationary Retail - An Exploratory Interview Study
M Patrick, J Julia, R Angela
Journal of Service Management Research 4, 21-34, 2020
Stakeholder integration in service innovation-an exploratory case study in the healthcare industry
JM Jonas, A Roth
International Journal of Technology Management 73 (1-3), 91-113, 2017
Stakeholder integration for service innovation in German medium-sized enterprises
JM Jonas, A Roth, KM Möslein
Service Science 8 (3), 320-332, 2016
Co-Creation and User Involvement in a Living Lab: An Evaluation of Applied Methods
T Beutel, JM Jonas, KM Moeslein
Interaktive Kunden als Herausforderung: Die Fallstudie „JOSEPHS®–Die Service-Manufaktur “
A Roth, A Fritzsche, J Jonas, F Danzinger, KM Möslein
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 51 (6), 883-895, 2014
Facilitating co-creation in living labs: The JOSEPHS study
K Greve, V Martinez, J Jonas, A Neely, K Möslein
23rd EurOMA Conference. Trondheim, Norway, 2016
Stakeholder integration in service innovation
JM Jonas
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018
Innovating in the Open Lab
A Fritzsche, JM Jonas, A Roth, KM Möslein
The new potential for interactive value creation across organizational …, 2020
Geschäftsmodelle 4.0: big data und data-analytics als Treiber für Dienstleistungsinnovation im deutschen Mittelstand
F Hunke, S Seebacher, M Schymanietz, J Jonas, S Genennig, B Kühne, ...
Digitale Dienstleistungsinnovationen: Smart Services agil und …, 2019
Exploring data-driven service innovation—aligning perspectives in research and practice
M Schymanietz, JM Jonas, KM Möslein
Journal of Business Economics 92 (7), 1167-1205, 2022
Value Propositions in Service Systems Enabled by Digital Technology: A Field Based Design Science Approach
SM Genennig, A Roth, JM Jonas, KM Möslein
SMR-Journal of Service Management Research 2 (4), 6-21, 2018
Exploring Customers' Acceptance of and Resistance to Service robots in stationary Retail-a mixed method Approach.
P Meyer, JM Jonas, A Roth
ECIS, 2020
Passive integration or mutual co-creation? Exploring the role of stakeholders in service innovation
JM Jonas, KM Möslein, A Roth
Proc. 13th Internat. Res. Sympos. Service Excellence in Management, 406-415, 2013
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