Vaishakhi Mayya
Vaishakhi Mayya
Graduate Student, Duke University
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Mutual information in community detection with covariate information and correlated networks
V Mayya, G Reeves
2019 57th annual allerton conference on communication, control, and …, 2019
The geometry of community detection via the mmse matrix
G Reeves, V Mayya, A Volfovsky
2019 IEEE international symposium on information theory (isit), 400-404, 2019
Gaussian mixture models for stochastic block models with non-vanishing noise
H Mathews, V Mayya, A Volfovsky, G Reeves
2019 IEEE 8th international workshop on computational advances in multi …, 2019
Information-theoretic analysis of refractory effects in the p300 speller
V Mayya, B Mainsah, G Reeves
2016 50th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1621-1625, 2016
Modeling the P300-based brain-computer interface as a channel with memory
V Mayya, B Mainsah, G Reeves
2016 54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2016
Fundamental Limits for Community Detection in Labelled Networks
V Mayya
Duke University, 2020
The Geometry of Community Detection
V Mayya, H Mathews, R Batista, J Zhang, A Volfovsky, G Reeves
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