Rosalia Deeken
Rosalia Deeken
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Loss of the AKT2/3 potassium channel affects sugar loading into the phloem of Arabidopsis
R Deeken, D Geiger, J Fromm, O Koroleva, P Ache, R Langenfeld-Heyser, ...
Planta 216, 334-344, 2002
KAT1 is not essential for stomatal opening
A Szyroki, N Ivashikina, P Dietrich, MRG Roelfsema, P Ache, B Reintanz, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (5), 2917-2921, 2001
Identification of a new glucosinolate-rich cell type in Arabidopsis flower stalk
OA Koroleva, A Davies, R Deeken, MR Thorpe, AD Tomos, R Hedrich
Plant physiology 124 (2), 599-608, 2000
AKT3, a phloem-localized K+ channel, is blocked by protons
I Marten, S Hoth, R Deeken, P Ache, KA Ketchum, T Hoshi, R Hedrich
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (13), 7581-7586, 1999
Identification of Arabidopsis thaliana phloem RNAs provides a search criterion for phloem‐based transcripts hidden in complex datasets of microarray experiments
R Deeken, P Ache, I Kajahn, J Klinkenberg, G Bringmann, R Hedrich
The Plant Journal 55 (5), 746-759, 2008
Plant responses to Agrobacterium tumefaciens and crown gall development
J Gohlke, R Deeken
Frontiers in Plant Science 5, 155, 2014
Agrobacterium tumefaciens Promotes Tumor Induction by Modulating Pathogen Defense in Arabidopsis thaliana
CW Lee, M Efetova, JC Engelmann, R Kramell, C Wasternack, ...
The Plant Cell 21 (9), 2948-2962, 2009
An Integrated View of Gene Expression and Solute Profiles of Arabidopsis Tumors: A Genome-Wide Approach
R Deeken, JC Engelmann, M Efetova, T Czirjak, T Muller, WM Kaiser, ...
The Plant Cell 18 (12), 3617-3634, 2006
VFK1, a Vicia faba K+ channel involved in phloem unloading
P Ache, D Becker, R Deeken, I Dreyer, H Weber, J Fromm, R Hedrich
The Plant Journal 27 (6), 571-580, 2001
Developmental and light‐dependent regulation of a phloem‐localised K+ channel of Arabidopsis thaliana
R Deeken, C Sanders, P Ache, R Hedrich
The Plant Journal 23 (2), 285-290, 2000
A Central Role of Abscisic Acid in Drought Stress Protection of Agrobacterium-Induced Tumors on Arabidopsis
M Efetova, J Zeier, M Riederer, CW Lee, N Stingl, M Mueller, W Hartung, ...
Plant Physiology 145 (3), 853-862, 2007
Isolation of AtSUC2 promoter‐GFP‐marked companion cells for patch‐clamp studies and expression profiling
N Ivashikina, R Deeken, P Ache, E Kranz, B Pommerrenig, N Sauer, ...
The Plant Journal 36 (6), 931-945, 2003
AKT2/3 Subunits Render Guard Cell K+ Channels Ca2+ Sensitive
N Ivashikina, R Deeken, S Fischer, P Ache, R Hedrich
The Journal of general physiology 125 (5), 483-492, 2005
DNA methylation mediated control of gene expression is critical for development of crown gall tumors
J Gohlke, CJ Scholz, S Kneitz, D Weber, J Fuchs, R Hedrich, R Deeken
PLoS genetics 9 (2), e1003267, 2013
Two Fatty Acid Desaturases, STEAROYL-ACYL CARRIER PROTEIN Ɗ9-DESATURASE6 and FATTY ACID DESATURASE3, Are Involved in Drought and Hypoxia …
J Klinkenberg, H Faist, S Saupe, S Lambertz, M Krischke, N Stingl, ...
Plant Physiology 164 (2), 570-583, 2014
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) crown galls host distinct microbiota
H Faist, A Keller, U Hentschel, R Deeken
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82 (18), 5542-5552, 2016
The Nonspecific Lipid Transfer Protein AtLtpI-4 Is Involved in Suberin Formation of Arabidopsis thaliana Crown Galls
R Deeken, S Saupe, J Klinkenberg, M Riedel, J Leide, R Hedrich, ...
Plant physiology 172 (3), 1911-1927, 2016
A role for PSK signaling in wounding and microbial interactions in Arabidopsis
M Loivamäki, N Stührwohldt, R Deeken, B Steffens, T Roitsch, R Hedrich, ...
Physiologia plantarum 139 (4), 348-357, 2010
Light-repressible receptor protein kinase: a novel photo-regulated gene from Arabidopsis thaliana
R Deeken, R Kaldenhoff
Planta 202 (4), 479-486, 1997
Light‐induced modification of plant plasma membrane ion transport
I Marten, R Deeken, R Hedrich, MRG Roelfsema
Plant Biology 12, 64-79, 2010
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