Deniz Wong
Deniz Wong
在 helmholtz-berlin.de 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Improving the oxygen redox reversibility of Li-rich battery cathode materials via Coulombic repulsive interactions strategy
Q Li, D Ning, D Wong, K An, Y Tang, D Zhou, G Schuck, Z Chen, N Zhang, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1123, 2022
Tailoring Co3d and O2p Band Centers to Inhibit Oxygen Escape for Stable 4.6 V LiCoO2 Cathodes
W Kong, J Zhang, D Wong, W Yang, J Yang, C Schulz, X Liu
Angewandte Chemie 133 (52), 27308-27318, 2021
Binder-free rice husk-based silicon–graphene composite as energy efficient Li-ion battery anodes
DP Wong, R Suriyaprabha, R Yuvakumar, V Rajendran, YT Chen, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (33), 13437-13441, 2014
The effect of oxygen vacancy and spinel phase integration on both anionic and cationic redox in Li-rich cathode materials
Q Li, D Ning, D Zhou, K An, D Wong, L Zhang, Z Chen, G Schuck, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (16), 7733-7745, 2020
Addressing voltage decay in Li-rich cathodes by broadening the gap between metallic and anionic bands
J Zhang, Q Zhang, D Wong, N Zhang, G Ren, L Gu, C Schulz, L He, Y Yu, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 3071, 2021
Probing the active site in single-atom oxygen reduction catalysts via operando X-ray and electrochemical spectroscopy
HT Lien, ST Chang, PT Chen, DP Wong, YC Chang, YR Lu, CL Dong, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4233, 2020
Thermoelectric properties of indium and gallium dually doped ZnO thin films
NH Tran Nguyen, TH Nguyen, Y Liu, M Aminzare, ATT Pham, S Cho, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (49), 33916-33923, 2016
Bifacial sodium-incorporated treatments: Tailoring deep traps and enhancing carrier transport properties in Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells
YR Lin, V Tunuguntla, SY Wei, WC Chen, D Wong, CH Lai, LK Liu, ...
Nano Energy 16, 438-445, 2015
A stable silicon/graphene composite using solvent exchange method as anode material for lithium ion batteries
DP Wong, HP Tseng, YT Chen, BJ Hwang, LC Chen, KH Chen
Carbon 63, 397-403, 2013
Fast-charge high-voltage layered cathodes for sodium-ion batteries
Q Wang, D Zhou, C Zhao, J Wang, H Guo, L Wang, Z Yao, D Wong, ...
Nature Sustainability 7 (3), 338-347, 2024
Tuning Bulk O2 and Nonbonding Oxygen State for Reversible Anionic Redox Chemistry in P2Layered Cathodes
Z Li, W Kong, Y Yu, J Zhang, D Wong, Z Xu, Z Chen, C Schulz, ...
Angewandte Chemie 134 (16), e202115552, 2022
Effect of annealing temperature on thermoelectric properties of Ga and In dually doped-ZnO thin films
ATT Pham, HKT Ta, Y Liu, M Aminzare, DP Wong, TH Nguyen, NK Pham, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 747, 156-165, 2018
Facilitating Reversible Cation Migration and Suppressing O2 Escape for High Performance LiRich Oxide Cathodes
K Chai, J Zhang, Q Li, D Wong, L Zheng, C Schulz, M Bartkowiak, ...
Small 18 (18), 2201014, 2022
Effect of copper oxide oxidation state on the polymer-based solar cell buffer layers
HT Lien, DP Wong, NH Tsao, CI Huang, C Su, KH Chen, LC Chen
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (24), 22445-22450, 2014
Nanoscale redox mapping at the MoS2-liquid interface
HY Du, YF Huang, D Wong, MF Tseng, YH Lee, CH Wang, CL Lin, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 1321, 2021
Tuning Both Anionic and Cationic Redox Chemistry of Li-Rich Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2 via a “Three-in-One” Strategy
Q Li, D Ning, D Zhou, K An, G Schuck, D Wong, W Kong, C Schulz, ...
Chemistry of Materials 32 (21), 9404-9414, 2020
Hydrogen enhancing Ga doping efficiency and electron mobility in high-performance transparent conducting Ga-doped ZnO films
ATT Pham, D Van Hoang, TH Nguyen, OKT Le, DP Wong, JL Kuo, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 860, 158518, 2021
Synergistic activation of anionic redox via cosubstitution to construct high-capacity layered oxide cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries
H Ji, W Ji, H Xue, G Chen, R Qi, Z Huang, H Fang, M Chu, L Liu, Z Ma, ...
Science Bulletin 68 (1), 65-76, 2023
Triggering reversible anion redox chemistry in O3-type cathodes by tuning Na/Mn anti-site defects
Y Yu, J Zhang, R Gao, D Wong, K An, L Zheng, N Zhang, C Schulz, X Liu
Energy & Environmental Science 16 (2), 584-597, 2023
Enhanced thermoelectric performance of GeTe-rich germanium antimony tellurides through the control of composition and structure
R Sankar, DP Wong, CS Chi, WL Chien, JS Hwang, FC Chou, LC Chen, ...
CrystEngComm 17 (18), 3440-3445, 2015
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