Sabine Bergler
Sabine Bergler
CLaC Lab, Computer Science, Concordia University
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Cited by
Mining wordnet for a fuzzy sentiment: Sentiment tag extraction from wordnet glosses
A Andreevskaia, S Bergler
11th conference of the European chapter of the Association for Computational …, 2006
Lexical semantic techniques for corpus analysis
J Pustejovsky, S Bergler, P Anick
Computational linguistics 19 (2), 331-358, 1993
When specialists and generalists work together: Overcoming domain dependence in sentiment tagging
A Andreevskaia, S Bergler
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, 290-298, 2008
Recognizing speculative language in biomedical research articles: a linguistically motivated perspective
H Kilicoglu, S Bergler
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-10, 2008
Syntactic dependency based heuristics for biological event extraction
H Kilicoglu, S Bergler
Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task …, 2009
Minding the source: Automatic tagging of reported speech in newspaper articles
R Krestel, S Bergler, R Witte
LREC 2008, 2008
CLaC and CLaC-NB: Knowledge-based and corpus-based approaches to sentiment tagging
A Andreevskaia, S Bergler
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations …, 2007
Fuzzy coreference resolution for summarization
R Witte, S Bergler
Proceedings of 2003 international symposium on reference resolution and its …, 2003
Evidential analysis of reported speech
S Bergler
Brandeis University, 1992
Using knowledge-poor coreference resolution for text summarization
S Bergler, R Witte, M Khalife, Z Li, F Rudzicz
Proceedings of DUC 3, 2003
Adapting a general semantic interpretation approach to biological event extraction
H Kilicoglu, S Bergler
Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop, 173-182, 2011
Lexical semantics and knowledge representation
J Pustejovsky, S Bergler
Springer, 1992
Skew detection, page segmentation, and script classification of printed document images
B Waked, S Bergler, CY Suen, S Khoury
SMC'98 Conference Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems …, 1998
All Blogs Are Not Made Equal: Exploring Genre Differences in Sentiment Tagging of Blogs.
A Andreevskaia, S Bergler, M Urseanu
ICWSM, 2007
Categorizing document images into script and language classes
CY Suen, S Bergler, N Nobile, B Waked, CP Nadal, A Bloch
International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition: Proceedings of …, 1999
Semantic Tag Extraction from WordNet Glosses.
A Andreevskaia, S Bergler
LREC, 413-416, 2006
Conveying attitude with reported speech
S Bergler
Computing attitude and affect in text: Theory and applications, 11-22, 2006
Multi-label classification for biomedical literature: an overview of the BioCreative VII LitCovid Track for COVID-19 literature topic annotations
Q Chen, A Allot, R Leaman, R Islamaj, J Du, L Fang, K Wang, S Xu, ...
Database 2022, baac069, 2022
CLaC-SentiPipe: SemEval2015 Subtasks 10 B,E, and Task 11
C Ozdemir, S Bergler
9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015), 2015
Generating update summaries for DUC 2007
R Witte, R Krestel, S Bergler
Proceedings of the Document Understanding Conference, 1-5, 2007
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Articles 1–20