Timo Torsten Schmidt
Timo Torsten Schmidt
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Peak experiences and the afterglow phenomenon: when and how do therapeutic effects of hallucinogens depend on psychedelic experiences?
T Majić, TT Schmidt, J Gallinat
Journal of psychopharmacology 29 (3), 241-253, 2015
Evidence for neural encoding of Bayesian surprise in human somatosensation
D Ostwald, B Spitzer, M Guggenmos, TT Schmidt, SJ Kiebel, ...
NeuroImage 62 (1), 177-188, 2012
Imaging tactile imagery: changes in brain connectivity support perceptual grounding of mental images in primary sensory cortices
TT Schmidt, D Ostwald, F Blankenburg
Neuroimage 98, 216-224, 2014
Working Memory Coding of Analog Stimulus Properties in the Human Prefrontal Cortex
B Spitzer, M Gloel, TT Schmidt, F Blankenburg
Cerebral Cortex, 2013
Mapping brain regions in which deep brain stimulation affects schizophrenia-like behavior in two rat models of schizophrenia
J Klein, R Hadar, T Götz, A Männer, C Eberhardt, J Baldassarri, ...
Brain stimulation 6 (4), 490-499, 2013
The altered states database: Psychometric data of altered states of consciousness
TT Schmidt, H Berkemeyer
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1028, 2018
Dose–response relationships of psilocybin-induced subjective experiences in humans
T Hirschfeld, TT Schmidt
Journal of Psychopharmacology 35 (4), 384-397, 2021
The somatotopy of mental tactile imagery
TT Schmidt, F Blankenburg
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13, 10, 2019
Anti-anhedonic effect of deep brain stimulation of the prefrontal cortex and the dopaminergic reward system in a genetic rat model of depression: an intracranial self …
E Rea, J Rummel, TT Schmidt, R Hadar, A Heinz, AA Mathé, C Winter
Brain stimulation 7 (1), 21-28, 2014
Content-specific codes of parametric auditory working memory in humans
I Uluç, TT Schmidt, Y Wu, F Blankenburg
Neuroimage 183, 254-262, 2018
Content-specific codes of parametric vibrotactile working memory in humans
TT Schmidt, Y Wu, F Blankenburg
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (40), 9771-9777, 2017
Verbal labels facilitate tactile perception
TMC Miller, TT Schmidt, F Blankenburg, F Pulvermüller
Cognition 171, 172-179, 2018
The Ganzfeld experience—A stably inducible altered state of consciousness: Effects of different auditory homogenizations
TT Schmidt, JC Prein
PsyCh journal 8 (1), 66-81, 2019
Brain regions that retain the spatial layout of tactile stimuli during working memory–A ‘tactospatial sketchpad’?
TT Schmidt, F Blankenburg
NeuroImage 178, 531-539, 2018
Neural basis of somatosensory target detection independent of uncertainty, relevance, and reports
P Schröder, TT Schmidt, F Blankenburg
elife 8, e43410, 2019
Overlapping frontoparietal networks for tactile and visual parametric working memory representations
Y Wu, I Uluç, TT Schmidt, K Tertel, E Kirilina, F Blankenburg
Neuroimage 166, 325-334, 2018
Altered states phenomena induced by visual flicker light stimulation
MT Bartossek, J Kemmerer, TT Schmidt
PloS one 16 (7), e0253779, 2021
The Altered States Database: Psychometric data from a systematic literature review
J Prugger, E Derdiyok, J Dinkelacker, C Costines, TT Schmidt
Scientific data 9 (1), 720, 2022
The multimodal Ganzfeld-induced altered state of consciousness induces decreased thalamo-cortical coupling
TT Schmidt, N Jagannathan, M Ljubljanac, A Xavier, T Nierhaus
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 18686, 2020
Empirische untersuchung veränderter bewusstseinszustände: Definition, quantifizierung und forschungsperspektiven
TT Schmidt, T Majić
Handbuch Psychoaktive Substanzen, 153-171, 2018
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