Benoit Merle
Benoit Merle
Mechanical Behavior of Materials, University of Kassel
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High-performance direct conversion X-ray detectors based on sintered hybrid lead triiodide perovskite wafers
S Shrestha, R Fischer, GJ Matt, P Feldner, T Michel, A Osvet, I Levchuk, ...
Nature Photonics 11 (7), 436-440, 2017
An improved long-term nanoindentation creep testing approach for studying the local deformation processes in nanocrystalline metals at room and elevated temperatures
V Maier, B Merle, M Göken, K Durst
Journal of Materials Research 28 (9), 1177-1188, 2013
Fracture toughness of silicon nitride thin films of different thicknesses as measured by bulge tests
B Merle, M Göken
Acta Materialia 59 (4), 1772-1779, 2011
Effective usage of 2D MXene nanosheets as solid lubricant–Influence of contact pressure and relative humidity
M Marian, GC Song, B Wang, VM Fuenzalida, S Krauß, B Merle, ...
Applied Surface Science 531, 147311, 2020
Influence of modulus-to-hardness ratio and harmonic parameters on continuous stiffness measurement during nanoindentation
B Merle, V Maier-Kiener, GM Pharr
Acta materialia 134, 167-176, 2017
Ti3C2Tx solid lubricant coatings in rolling bearings with remarkable performance beyond state-of-the-art materials
M Marian, K Feile, B Rothammer, M Bartz, S Wartzack, A Seynstahl, ...
Applied Materials Today 25, 101202, 2021
High-pressure synthesis of ultraincompressible hard rhenium nitride pernitride Re2(N2)(N)2 stable at ambient conditions
M Bykov, S Chariton, H Fei, T Fedotenko, G Aprilis, AV Ponomareva, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 2994, 2019
Understanding the extremely low fracture toughness of freestanding gold thin films by in-situ bulge testing in an AFM
EI Preiß, B Merle, M Göken
Materials Science and Engineering: A 691, 218-225, 2017
Critical issues in conducting constant strain rate nanoindentation tests at higher strain rates
B Merle, WH Higgins, GM Pharr
Journal of Materials Research 34 (20), 3495-3503, 2019
Influence of stacking fault energy and dislocation character on slip transfer at coherent twin boundaries studied by micropillar compression
JP Liebig, S Krauß, M Göken, B Merle
Acta Materialia 154, 261-272, 2018
Fracture toughness evaluation of NiAl single crystals by microcantilevers—a new continuous J-integral method
J Ast, B Merle, K Durst, M Göken
Journal of Materials Research 31 (23), 3786-3794, 2016
Room temperature deposition of functional ceramic films on low-cost metal substrate
NH Khansur, U Eckstein, L Benker, U Deisinger, B Merle, KG Webber
Ceramics International 44 (14), 16295-16301, 2018
Evaluation of the surface fatigue behavior of amorphous carbon coatings through cyclic nanoindentation
T Weikert, S Wartzack, MV Baloglu, K Willner, S Gabel, B Merle, F Pineda, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 407, 126769, 2021
Extending the range of constant strain rate nanoindentation testing
B Merle, WH Higgins, GM Pharr
Journal of Materials Research 35 (4), 343-352, 2020
Experimental determination of the effective indenter shape and ε-factor for nanoindentation by continuously measuring the unloading stiffness
B Merle, V Maier, M Göken, K Durst
Journal of Materials Research 27 (1), 214-221, 2012
Amorphous carbon coatings for total knee replacements—Part II: tribological behavior
B Rothammer, M Marian, K Neusser, M Bartz, T Böhm, S Krauß, ...
Polymers 13 (11), 1880, 2021
Bulge fatigue testing of freestanding and supported gold films
B Merle, M Göken
Journal of Materials Research 29 (2), 267-276, 2014
Amorphous carbon coatings for total knee replacements—part i: deposition, Cytocompatibility, chemical and mechanical properties
B Rothammer, K Neusser, M Marian, M Bartz, S Krauß, T Böhm, S Thiele, ...
Polymers 13 (12), 1952, 2021
Mechanical characterization of metallic thin films by bulge and scratch testing
H Javed, B Merle, E Preiß, R Hivet, A Benedetto, M Göken
Surface and Coatings Technology 289, 69-74, 2016
Mechanics of colloidal supraparticles under compression
J Wang, J Schwenger, A Ströbel, P Feldner, P Herre, S Romeis, ...
Science advances 7 (42), eabj0954, 2021
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