Alireza Gerami
Cited by
Cited by
Cleat-scale characterisation of coal: An overview
P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, A Gerami, Y Hu, Y Jing, F Kamali, M Liu, ...
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 39, 143-160, 2017
A microfluidic framework for studying relative permeability in coal
A Gerami, P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, A Zamani, ME Warkiani
International Journal of Coal Geology 159, 183-193, 2016
Microfluidics for porous systems: fabrication, microscopy and applications
A Gerami, Y Alzahid, P Mostaghimi, N Kashaninejad, F Kazemifar, ...
Transport in Porous Media 130, 277-304, 2019
Functionalisation of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-microfluidic devices coated with rock minerals
YA Alzahid, P Mostaghimi, A Gerami, A Singh, K Privat, T Amirian, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 15518, 2018
Coal-on-a-chip: visualizing flow in coal fractures
A Gerami, RT Armstrong, B Johnston, ME Warkiani, N Mosavat, ...
Energy & fuels 31 (10), 10393-10403, 2017
Pore scale characterisation of coal: an unconventional challenge
P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, A Gerami, Y Hu, Y Jing, F Kamali, M Liu, ...
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, D011S001R004, 2016
Micro-CT imaging and microfluidics for understanding flow in coal seam reservoirs
P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, A Gerami, ME Warkaini, HL Ramandi, ...
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Newfoundland …, 2015
Microscale insights into gas recovery from bright and dull bands in coal
A Gerami, RT Armstrong, Y Jing, FA Wahid, H Arandiyan, P Mostaghimi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 172, 373-382, 2019
Analysis of the forces acting on apex seal of a wankel engine
AKN Gerami, MS Shadloo, M Ghasempour, A Kimiaeifar
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 4 (9), 4205-4212, 2010
Surface analysis of coal indicating neutral red enhances the precursor steps of methanogenesis
P Srivastava, C Marjo, A Gerami, Z Jones, S Rahman
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 2776, 2020
Utilizing microfluidics for visualization of multiphase flow in coal cleats
A Gerami Kaviri Nejad
The University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia, 2018
Flow in Coal Seams: An Unconventional Challenge
P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, Y Jing, A Gerami
2016 AGU Fall Meeting, 2016
Flow in Coal Seams: An Unconventional Challenge
RT Armstrong, P Mostaghimi, Y Jing, A Gerami
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, H13N-04, 2016
P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, A Gerami, Y Hu, Y Jing, F Kamali, M Liu, ...
Using Microfluidics for Visualisation of Displacement Mechanisms on Pore Network Models
AGK Nejad, P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, M Rafeie, ME Warkiani
2015 AGU Fall Meeting, 2015
Using Microfluidics for Visualisation of Displacement Mechanisms on Pore Network Models
A Gerami Kaviri Nejad, P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, M Rafeie, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, H21A-1351, 2015
A Combined Micro-CT Imaging/Microfluidic Approach for Understating Methane Recovery in Coal Seam Gas Reservoirs
P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, A Gerami, H Lamei Ramandi, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, H23I-01, 2015
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Articles 1–17