Nicola Bateman
Nicola Bateman
Associate Professor Operations Management
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Sustainability: the elusive element of process improvement
N Bateman
International journal of operations & production management 25 (3), 261-276, 2005
Companies’ perceptions of inhibitors and enablers for process improvement activities
N Rich, N Bateman
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 23 (2), 185-199, 2003
The role of transport flexibility in logistics provision
MM Naim, AT Potter, RJ Mason, N Bateman
The International Journal of Logistics Management 17 (3), 297-311, 2006
Process improvement programmes: a model for assessing sustainability
N Bateman, A David
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 22 (5), 515-526, 2002
Why major lean transitions have not been sustained
J Lucey, N Bateman, P Hines
Management Services 49 (2), 9-13, 2005
Managing operations and teams visually
S Bateman, NA and Lethbridge
Public Service Operations Management: A Research Handbook, 289-305, 2015
Lean evolution: lessons from the workplace
N Rich, N Bateman, A Esain, L Massey, D Samuel
Cambridge University Press, 2006
Visual management and shop floor teams–development, implementation and use
N Bateman, L Philp, H Warrender
International Journal of Production Research 54 (24), 7345-7358, 2016
Beyond the ostensible: an exploration of barriers to lean implementation and sustainability in healthcare
H Leite, N Bateman, Z Radnor
Production Planning & Control 31 (1), 1-18, 2020
Toward a public service management: past, present, and future directions
IR Hodgkinson, C Hannibal, BW Keating, R Chester Buxton, N Bateman
Journal of service management 28 (5), 998-1023, 2017
Wider applications for Lean: An examination of the fundamental principles within public sector organisations
N Bateman, P Hines, P Davidson
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 63 (5), 550-568, 2014
Measuring the mix response flexibility of manufacturing systems
N Bateman
International Journal of Production Research 37 (4), 871-880, 1999
Sustainability... a guide to... process improvement
N Bateman
© Lean Enterprise Research Centre, 2001
Achieving pace and sustainability in a major lean transition
J Lucey, N Bateman, P Hines
Management services 48 (9), 8, 2004
The landscape of Lean across public services
N Bateman, Z Radnor, R Glennon
Public Money & Management 38 (1), 1-4, 2018
Public Service Operations Management: A Research Handbook
ZJ Radnor, N Bateman, A Esain, M Kumar, SJ Williams, DM Upton
Routledge, 2015
Measuring the production range flexibility of a FMS
D Stockton, N Bateman
Integrated Manufacturing Systems 6 (2), 27-34, 1995
Meaningful inhibitors of the lean journey: a systematic review and categorisation of over 20 years of literature
H Leite, Z Radnor, N Bateman
Production Planning & Control 33 (5), 403-426, 2022
Emergent barriers to the lean healthcare journey: baronies, tribalism and scepticism
H Leite, S Williams, Z Radnor, N Bateman
Production Planning & Control 35 (2), 115-132, 2024
Public sector ‘Modernisation’: examining the impact of a change agenda on local government employees in England
R Glennon, I Hodgkinson, J Knowles, Z Radnor, N Bateman
Australian Journal of Public Administration 77 (2), 203-221, 2018
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