Jenni Ingram
Jenni Ingram
Associate Professor of Education, University of Oxford
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How and why do student teachers use ICT.
M Hammond, L Reynolds, J Ingram
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 27 (3), 191-203, 2011
Designing and enacting instruction that enhances language for mathematics learning: A review of the state of development and research
K Erath, J Ingram, J Moschkovich, S Prediger
ZDM–Mathematics Education 53, 245-262, 2021
Why do some student teachers make very good use of ICT? An exploratory case study
M Hammond, S Crosson, E Fragkoulia, J Ingram, P Johnston‐Wilder, ...
Technology, pedagogy and education 18 (1), 59-73, 2009
A critical analysis of the role of wait time in classroom interactions and the effects on student and teacher interactional behaviours
J Ingram, V Elliott
Cambridge Journal of Education 46 (1), 37-53, 2016
Turn taking and ‘wait time’in classroom interactions
J Ingram, V Elliott
Journal of Pragmatics 62, 1-12, 2014
What happens as student teachers who made very good use of ICT during pre‐service training enter their first year of teaching?
M Hammond, E Fragkouli, I Suandi, S Crosson, J Ingram, ...
Teacher Development 13 (2), 93-106, 2009
A marked improvement?
V Elliott, JA Baird, TN Hopfenbeck, J Ingram, I Thompson, N Usher, ...
A review of the evidence on written marking, 2016
Handling errors as they arise in whole-class interactions
J Ingram, A Pitt, F Baldry
Research in Mathematics Education 17 (3), 183-197, 2015
When students offer explanations without the teacher explicitly asking them to
J Ingram, N Andrews, A Pitt
Educational Studies in Mathematics 101, 51-66, 2019
Moving forward with ethnomethodological approaches to analysing mathematics classroom interactions
J Ingram
ZDM 50 (6), 1065-1075, 2018
Cross-curricular teaching and learning in the secondary school... Mathematics
R Ward-Penny
Routledge, 2010
Feeling part of the school and feeling safe: Further development of a tool for investigating school belonging
J Porter, T McDermott, H Daniels, J Ingram
Educational Studies 50 (3), 382-398, 2024
Research methods for classroom discourse
J Ingram, V Elliott
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019
Playing the system: Incentives to ‘game’and educational ethics in school examination entry policies in England
J Ingram, V Elliott, C Morin, A Randhawa, C Brown
Oxford Review of Education 44 (5), 545-562, 2018
Supporting student teachers in developing and applying professional knowledge with videoed events
J Ingram
European Journal of Teacher Education 37 (1), 51-62, 2014
Whole class interaction in the mathematics classroom: A conversation analytic approach
J Ingram
University of Warwick, 2012
Epistemic management in mathematics classroom interactions: Student claims of not knowing or not understanding
J Ingram
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 58, 100754, 2020
Preparing to teach in secondary schools: a student teacher's guide to professional issues in secondary education
V Brooks, I Abbott, P Huddleston
McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 2012
N Ingram, SH Andrews, J Still
Oxford University Press, 2021
Observing Effective Mathematics Teaching: A Review of the Literature.
J Ingram, P Sammons, A Lindorff
Education Development Trust, 2018
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Articles 1–20