Christian D. Schade
Christian D. Schade
Professor of Entrepreneurial and Behavioral Decision Making, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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“I think I can, I think I can”: Overconfidence and entrepreneurial behavior
P Koellinger, M Minniti, CD Schade
Journal of economic psychology 28 (4), 502-527, 2007
Gender differences in entrepreneurial propensity
P Koellinger, M Minniti, CD Schade
Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics 75 (2), 213-234, 2013
Are entrepreneurs' decisions more biased? An experimental investigation of the susceptibility to status quo bias
K Burmeister, CD Schade
Journal of business Venturing 22 (3), 340-362, 2007
Kontraktgüter im Marketing
CD Schade, E Schott
Marketing: Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis, 15-25, 1993
High stakes decision making: Normative, descriptive and prescriptive considerations
H Kunreuther, R Meyer, R Zeckhauser, P Slovic, B Schwartz, CD Schade, ...
Marketing Letters 13, 259-268, 2002
Instrumente des Kontraktgütermarketing
CD Schade, E Schott
Die Betriebswirtschaft 53 (4), 491-511, 1993
Are entrepreneurs influenced by risk attitude, regulatory focus or both? An experiment on entrepreneurs' time allocation
K Burmeister-Lamp, M Lévesque, CD Schade
Journal of Business Venturing 27 (4), 456-476, 2012
Holding on for too long? An experimental study on inertia in entrepreneurs’ and non-entrepreneurs’ disinvestment choices
S Sandri, CD Schade, O Musshoff, M Odening
Journal of economic behavior & organization 76 (1), 30-44, 2010
Unternehmensberater im Wettbewerb. Eine empirische Untersuchung aus der Perspektive der neuen Institutionenlehre
KP Kaas, CD Schade
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 65 (10), 1067-1089, 1995
Intuitive optimizing: Experimental findings on time allocation decisions with newly formed ventures
M Lévesque, CD Schade
Journal of Business Venturing 20 (3), 313-342, 2005
Is default risk acceptable when purchasing insurance? Experimental evidence for different probability representations, reasons for default, and framings
A Zimmer, CD Schade, H Gründl
Journal of Economic Psychology 30 (1), 11-23, 2009
Protecting against low‐probability disasters: The role of worry
CD Schade, H Kunreuther, P Koellinger
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 25 (5), 534-543, 2012
Marketing fur Unternehmensberatung; ein institutionenökonomischer Ansatz.
CD Schade
Springer, 1996
Words versus actions as a means to influence cooperation in social dilemma situations
G Pogrebna, DH Krantz, CD Schade, C Keser
Theory and Decision 71, 473-502, 2011
Inertia in disinvestment decisions: experimental evidence
O Musshoff, M Odening, CD Schade, SC Maart-Noelck, S Sandri
European Review of Agricultural Economics 40 (3), 463-485, 2012
Seeing the world with different eyes: Gender differences in perceptions and the propensity to start a business
P Koellinger, M Minniti, CD Schade
Experiments on entrepreneurial decision making: A different lens through which to look at entrepreneurship
CD Schade, K Burmeister-Lamp
Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship 5 (2), 81-134, 2009
An incentive‐compatible experiment on probabilistic insurance and implications for an insurer's solvency level
A Zimmer, H Gründl, CD Schade, F Glenzer
Journal of Risk and Insurance 85 (1), 245-273, 2018
Heuristics, biases, and the behavior of entrepreneurs
CD Schade, P Koellinger
Entrepreneurship: The engine of growth 1, 41-63, 2007
Interne Problemlösung oder Konsultation von Unternehmensberatern
R Kehrer, CD Schade
Die Betriebswirtschaft 55 (4), 465-479, 1995
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