William Theodore
William Theodore
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Standards for epidemiologic studies and surveillance of epilepsy
DJ Thurman, E Beghi, CE Begley, AT Berg, JR Buchhalter, D Ding, ...
Epilepsia 52, 2-26, 2011
Efficacy and tolerability of the new antiepileptic drugs II: Treatment of refractory epilepsy [RETIRED] Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee and …
JA French, AM Kanner, J Bautista, B Abou-Khalil, T Browne, CL Harden, ...
Neurology 62 (8), 1261-1273, 2004
Efficacy and tolerability of the new antiepileptic drugs I: Treatment of new onset epilepsy [RETIRED] Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee and …
JA French, AM Kanner, J Bautista, B Abou-Khalil, T Browne, CL Harden, ...
Neurology 62 (8), 1252-1260, 2004
Functional anatomy of cognitive development: fMRI of verbal fluency in children and adults
WD Gaillard, L Hertz–Pannier, SH Mott, AS Barnett, D LeBihan, ...
Neurology 54 (1), 180-180, 2000
Regional cerebral blood flow during object naming and word reading
SY Bookheimer, TA Zeffiro, T Blaxton, W Gaillard, W Theodore
Human brain mapping 3 (2), 93-106, 1995
Brain stimulation for epilepsy
WH Theodore, RS Fisher
The Lancet Neurology 3 (2), 111-118, 2004
Positive and negative psychiatric effects of antiepileptic drugs in patients with seizure disorders.
TA Ketter, RM Post, WH Theodore
Neurology 53 (5 Suppl 2), S53-67, 1999
Noninvasive assessment of language dominance in children and adolescents with functional MRI: a preliminary study
L Hertz-Pannier, WD Gaillard, SH Mott, CA Cuenod, SY Bookheimer, ...
Neurology 48 (4), 1003-1012, 1997
Recommendations for the use of structural magnetic resonance imaging in the care of patients with epilepsy: a consensus report from the International League Against Epilepsy …
A Bernasconi, F Cendes, WH Theodore, RS Gill, MJ Koepp, RE Hogan, ...
Epilepsia 60 (6), 1054-1068, 2019
The secondarily generalized tonic‐clonic seizure: a videotape analysis
WH Theodore, RJ Porter, P Albert, K Kelley, E Bromfield, O Devinsky, ...
Neurology 44 (8), 1403-1403, 1994
Transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of seizures: a controlled study
WH Theodore, K Hunter, R Chen, F Vega–Bermudez, B Boroojerdi, ...
Neurology 59 (4), 560-562, 2002
Epilepsy in North America: a report prepared under the auspices of the global campaign against epilepsy, the International Bureau for Epilepsy, the International League Against …
WH Theodore, SS Spencer, S Wiebe, JT Langfitt, A Ali, PO Shafer, ...
Epilepsia 47 (10), 1700-1722, 2006
Calcific neurocysticercosis and epileptogenesis
TE Nash, OH Del Brutto, JA Butman, T Corona, A Delgado-Escueta, ...
Neurology 62 (11), 1934-1938, 2004
PET imaging of 5-HT1A receptor binding in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy
MT Toczek, RE Carson, L Lang, Y Ma, MV Spanaki, MG Der, S Fazilat, ...
Neurology 60 (5), 749-756, 2003
Language dominance in partial epilepsy patients identified with an fMRI reading task
WD Gaillard, L Balsamo, B Xu, CB Grandin, SH Braniecki, PH Papero, ...
Neurology 59 (2), 256-265, 2002
Functional MRI during word generation, using conventional equipment: a potential tool for language localization in the clinical environment
CA Cuenod, SY Bookheimer, L Hertz-Pannier, TA Zeffiro, WH Theodore, ...
Neurology 45 (10), 1821-1827, 1995
fMRI language task panel improves determination of language dominance
WD Gaillard, L Balsamo, B Xu, C McKinney, PH Papero, S Weinstein, ...
Neurology 63 (8), 1403-1408, 2004
Clinical and electroencephalographic features of simple partial seizures
O Devinsky, K Kelley, RJ Porter, WH Theodore
Neurology 38 (9), 1347-1347, 1988
Hippocampal atrophy, epilepsy duration, and febrile seizures in patients with partial seizures
WH Theodore, S Bhatia, J Hatta, S Fazilat, C DeCarli, SY Bookheimer, ...
Neurology 52 (1), 132-132, 1999
{18F}fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in refractory complex partial seizures
WH Theodore, ME Newmark, S Sato, R Brooks, N Patronas, R de la Paz, ...
Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurological …, 1983
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