Karolina Słowik
Karolina Słowik
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Fully integrated quantum photonic circuit with an electrically driven light source
S Khasminskaya, F Pyatkov, K Słowik, S Ferrari, O Kahl, V Kovalyuk, ...
Nature Photonics 10 (11), 727-732, 2016
Strong coupling of optical nanoantennas and atomic systems
K Słowik, R Filter, J Straubel, F Lederer, C Rockstuhl
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (19), 195414, 2013
Dissipation-driven entanglement between qubits mediated by plasmonic nanoantennas
CR J. Hou, K. Słowik, F. Lederer
Physical Review B 89, 235413, 2014
Quantum optical realization of arbitrary linear transformations allowing for loss and gain
N Tischler, C Rockstuhl, K Słowik
Physical Review X 8 (2), 021017, 2018
Nanoantennas for ultrabright single photon sources
R Filter, K Słowik, J Straubel, F Lederer, C Rockstuhl
Optics Letters 39 (5), 1246-1249, 2014
Enhancement of and interference among higher order multipole transitions in molecules near a plasmonic nanoantenna
E Rusak, J Straubel, P Gładysz, M Göddel, A Kędziorski, M Kühn, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5775, 2019
Plasmonic nanoantenna based triggered single-photon source
J Straubel, R Filter, C Rockstuhl, K Słowik
Physical Review B 93 (19), 195412, 2016
Interaction of atomic systems with quantum vacuum beyond electric dipole approximation
M Kosik, O Burlayenko, C Rockstuhl, I Fernandez-Corbaton, K Słowik
Scientific reports 10 (1), 5879, 2020
Ultraslow long-living plasmons with electromagnetically induced transparency
D Ziemkiewicz, K Słowik, S Zielińska-Raczyńska
Optics Letters 43 (3), 490-493, 2018
Beyond the Rabi model: Light interactions with polar atomic systems in a cavity
G Scala, K Słowik, P Facchi, S Pascazio, FV Pepe
Physical Review A 104 (1), 013722, 2021
Light storage in a tripod medium as a basis for logical operations
K Słowik, A Raczyński, J Zaremba, S Zielińska-Kaniasty
Optics Communications 285 (9), 2392-2396, 2012
Energy-based plasmonicity index to characterize optical resonances in nanostructures
MM Müller, M Kosik, M Pelc, GW Bryant, A Ayuela, C Rockstuhl, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (44), 24331-24343, 2020
Entangled light from bimodal optical nanoantennas
J Straubel, R Sarniak, C Rockstuhl, K Słowik
Physical Review B 95 (8), 085421, 2017
Propagation of optically tunable coherent radiation in a gas of polar molecules
P Gładysz, P Wcisło, K Słowik
Scientific Reports 10, 17615, 2020
Controlling statistical properties of stored light
A Raczyński, K Słowik, J Zaremba, S Zielińska-Kaniasty
Optics communications 279 (2), 324-329, 2007
Revising quantum optical phenomena in adatoms coupled to graphene nanoantennas
M Kosik, MM Müller, K Słowik, G Bryant, A Ayuela, C Rockstuhl, M Pelc
Nanophotonics 11 (14), 3281-3298, 2022
From single-particle-like to interaction-mediated plasmonic resonances in graphene nanoantennas
MM Müller, M Kosik, M Pelc, GW Bryant, A Ayuela, C Rockstuhl, K Słowik
Journal of applied physics 129 (9), 2021
Light interaction with extended quantum systems in dispersive media
G Scala, FV Pepe, P Facchi, S Pascazio, K Słowik
New Journal of Physics 22 (12), 123047, 2020
Comparative studies of rib waveguide material for quantum communication application
R Yusof, N Ali, P Kolenderski, K Slowik, NAMA Hambali
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 551 (1), 012018, 2019
Waveguide platform for quantum anticentrifugal force
A Gajewski, D Gustaw, R Yusof, N Ali, K Słowik, P Kolenderski
Optics Letters 45 (13), 3373-3376, 2020
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