Hamza Ben Ticha
Hamza Ben Ticha
Post-Doc at Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne
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Empirical analysis for the VRPTW with a multigraph representation for the road network
HB Ticha, N Absi, D Feillet, A Quilliot
Computers & Operations Research 88, 103-116, 2017
Vehicle routing problems with road‐network information: State of the art
H Ben Ticha, N Absi, D Feillet, A Quilliot
Networks 72 (3), 393-406, 2018
Multigraph modeling and adaptive large neighborhood search for the vehicle routing problem with time windows
HB Ticha, N Absi, D Feillet, A Quilliot
Computers & Operations Research 104, 113-126, 2019
A branch‐and‐price algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows on a road network
H Ben Ticha, N Absi, D Feillet, A Quilliot, T Van Woensel
Networks 73 (4), 401-417, 2019
The time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows and road-network information
H Ben Ticha, N Absi, D Feillet, A Quilliot, T Van Woensel
Operations Research Forum 2, 1-25, 2021
A solution method for the multi-destination bi-objectives shortest path problem
HB Ticha, N Absi, D Feillet, A Quilliot
Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, CMP, Gardanne, France, 2017
Vehicle Routing Problems with road-network information
HB Ticha
Université Clermont Auvergne [2017-2020], 2017
Adaptive large neighborhood search for the vehicle routing problem with time windows with a multigraph representation for the road network
HB Ticha, N Absi, D Feillet, A Quilliot
EMSE CMP-SFL 2017/7, Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, CMP, Gardanne France, 2017
The Steiner bi-objective shortest path problem
HB Ticha, N Absi, D Feillet, A Quilliot
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 9, 100004, 2021
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization
HB Ticha, N Absi, D Feillet, A Quilliot
Vehicle Routing Problems on Road Networks
HB Ticha, N Absi, D Feillet, A Quilliot
New Model for Vehicle Routing Problems in Real Road Networks
HB Ticha, N Absi, D Feillet, A Quillot
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