Riad Aggoune
Riad Aggoune
R&D Manager, CRP Henri Tudor - Luxembourg
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Minimizing the makespan for the flow shop scheduling problem with availability constraints
R Aggoune
European Journal of Operational Research 153 (3), 534-543, 2004
Characterisation of domestic hot water end-uses for integrated urban thermal energy assessment and optimisation
A Bertrand, A Mastrucci, N Schüler, R Aggoune, F Maréchal
Applied energy 186, 152-166, 2017
In-building waste water heat recovery: An urban-scale method for the characterisation of water streams and the assessment of energy savings and costs
A Bertrand, R Aggoune, F Maréchal
Applied Energy 192, 110-125, 2017
Flow shop scheduling problem with limited machine availability: A heuristic approach
R Aggoune, MC Portmann
International Journal of Production Economics 99 (1-2), 4-15, 2006
A Lagrangian heuristic for an integrated lot-sizing and fixed scheduling problem
C Wolosewicz, S Dauzère-Pérès, R Aggoune
European Journal of Operational Research 244 (1), 3-12, 2015
Ordonnancement d'ateliers sous contraintes de disponibilité des machines
R Aggoune
Université Paul Verlaine-Metz, 2002
Solving the integrated lot-sizing and job-shop scheduling problem
ED Gomez Urrutia, R Aggoune, S Dauzère-Pérès
International Journal of Production Research 52 (17), 5236-5254, 2014
Disjunctive and time-indexed formulations for non-preemptive job shop scheduling with resource availability constraints
S Azem, R Aggoune, S Dauzère-Pérès
2007 IEEE international conference on industrial engineering and engineering …, 2007
CO2 emissions calculation models for green supply chain management
W Mtalaa, R Aggoune, J Schaefers
Proceedings of POMS 20th Annual Meeting, 2009
Genetic algorithms for the flow shop scheduling problem with availability constraints
R Aggoune, AH Mahdi, MC Portmann
2001 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. e …, 2001
TOC-based planning and scheduling model
J Schaefers, R Aggoune, F Becker, R Fabbri
International Journal of Production Research 42 (13), 2639-2649, 2004
Regional waste heat valorisation: A mixed integer linear programming method for energy service companies
A Bertrand, A Mian, I Kantor, R Aggoune, F Maréchal
Energy 167, 454-468, 2019
An optimization algorithm to schedule care for the elderly at home
W Aggoune-Mtalaa, R Aggoune
International Journal of Information Science and Intelligent System 3 (3), 41-50, 2014
Using MATSim to simulate carpooling and car-sharing trips
H Ayed, D Khadraoui, R Aggoune
2015 World Congress on Information Technology and Computer Applications …, 2015
A new approach for solving integrated planning and scheduling problem
C Wolosewicz, S Dauzère-Pérès, R Aggoune
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (3), 191-196, 2006
A contribution to performance measurement in the healthcare industry: the industrial point of view
J Schaefers, J Colin, R Aggoune, M Kucina
International Journal of Business Performance Management 9 (2), 226-239, 2007
Heuristics for job shop scheduling with limited machine availability
S Azem, R Aggoune, S Dauzère-Pérès
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (6), 1395-1400, 2012
Two-Job Shop Scheduling Problems with Availability Constraints.
R Aggoune
ICAPS, 253-259, 2004
In-building waste water heat recovery: an urban scale method for energy saving assessments
A Bertrand, R Aggoune, F Maréchal
Proceedings of ECOS 2016, 2016
New integrated method to solve the problem of planning and scheduling
ED Gómez Urrutia, R Aggoune, S Dauzère-Pérès
13th Congress of the French Society for Operational Research and Decision …, 2012
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