Hannes Schröter
Hannes Schröter
German Institute for Adult Education, Bonn, Germany
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Control over location-based response activation in the Simon task: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence.
B Stürmer, H Leuthold, E Soetens, H Schröter, W Sommer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 28 (6 …, 2002
Automatic and controlled stimulus processing in conflict tasks: Superimposed diffusion processes and delta functions
R Ulrich, H Schröter, H Leuthold, T Birngruber
Cognitive psychology 78, 148-174, 2015
Testing the race model inequality: An algorithm and computer programs
R Ulrich, J Miller, H Schröter
Behavior Research Methods 39 (2), 291-302, 2007
Fatigue-related diurnal variations of cognitive performance in multiple sclerosis and stroke patients
D Claros-Salinas, D Bratzke, G Greitemann, N Nickisch, L Ochs, ...
Journal of the neurological sciences 295 (1-2), 75-81, 2010
Asking sensitive questions: a statistical power analysis of randomized response models.
R Ulrich, H Schröter, H Striegel, P Simon
Psychological methods 17 (4), 623, 2012
Motor limitation in dual-task processing under ballistic movement conditions
R Ulrich, SR Fernández, I Jentzsch, B Rolke, H Schröter, H Leuthold
Psychological Science 17 (9), 788-793, 2006
Duration perception of visual and auditory oddball stimuli: Does judgment task modulate the temporal oddball effect?
T Birngruber, H Schröter, R Ulrich
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 76, 814-828, 2014
Electrophysiological evidence for response priming and conflict regulation in the auditory Simon task
H Leuthold, H Schröter
Brain Research 1097 (1), 167-180, 2006
Error reactivity in self-paced performance: Highly-accurate individuals exhibit largest post-error slowing
MB Steinborn, HC Flehmig, D Bratzke, H Schröter
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (4), 624-631, 2012
Effects of redundant auditory stimuli on reaction time
H Schröter, R Ulrich, J Miller
Psychonomic bulletin & review 14, 39-44, 2007
Dimensional overlap between time and space
V Eikmeier, H Schröter, C Maienborn, S Alex-Ruf, R Ulrich
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 20, 1120-1125, 2013
Motor limitation in dual-task processing with different effectors
D Bratzke, R Ulrich, B Rolke, H Schröter, I Jentzsch, H Leuthold
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 61 (9), 1385-1399, 2008
A comparison of the cheater detection and the unrelated question models: a randomized response survey on physical and cognitive doping in recreational triathletes
H Schröter, B Studzinski, P Dietz, R Ulrich, H Striegel, P Simon
PLoS One 11 (5), e0155765, 2016
Motor programming of rapid finger sequences: Inferences from movement‐related brain potentials
H Schröter, H Leuthold
Psychophysiology 46 (2), 388-401, 2009
Stimulus Expectation Prolongs Rather Than Shortens Perceived Duration: Evidence From Self-Generated Expectations.
T Birngruber, H Schröter, E Schütt, R Ulrich
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 44 (1 …, 2018
Introducing a control condition in the classic oddball paradigm: Oddballs are overestimated in duration not only because of their oddness
T Birngruber, H Schröter, R Ulrich
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 77 (5), 1737-1749, 2015
The auditory redundant signals effect: An influence of number of stimuli or number of percepts?
H Schröter, LS Frei, R Ulrich, J Miller
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 71, 1375-1384, 2009
Task predictability influences the variable foreperiod effect: Evidence of task-specific temporal preparation
H Schröter, T Birngruber, D Bratzke, J Miller, R Ulrich
Psychological Research 79, 230-237, 2015
The influence of stimulus repetition on duration judgments with simple stimuli
T Birngruber, H Schröter, R Ulrich
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1213, 2015
The role of consolidation for perceptual learning in temporal discrimination within and across modalities
D Bratzke, H Schröter, R Ulrich
Acta psychologica 147, 75-79, 2014
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