Marc Faget
Marc Faget
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GROWSCREEN-Rhizo is a novel phenotyping robot enabling simultaneous measurements of root and shoot growth for plants grown in soil-filled rhizotrons
KA Nagel, A Putz, F Gilmer, K Heinz, A Fischbach, J Pfeifer, M Faget, ...
Functional plant biology 39 (11), 891-904, 2012
Root–root interactions: extending our perspective to be more inclusive of the range of theories in ecology and agriculture using in-vivo analyses
M Faget, KA Nagel, A Walter, JM Herrera, S Jahnke, U Schurr, ...
Annals of Botany 112 (2), 253-266, 2013
Going with the flow: multiscale insights into the composite nature of water transport in roots
V Couvreur, M Faget, G Lobet, M Javaux, F Chaumont, X Draye
Plant physiology 178 (4), 1689-1703, 2018
Spring barley shows dynamic compensatory root and shoot growth responses when exposed to localised soil compaction and fertilisation
J Pfeifer, M Faget, A Walter, S Blossfeld, F Fiorani, U Schurr, KA Nagel
Functional plant biology 41 (6), 581-597, 2014
Disentangling who is who during rhizosphere acidification in root interactions: combining fluorescence with optode techniques
M Faget, S Blossfeld, P Gillhaussen, U Schurr, VM Temperton
Frontiers in plant science 4, 392, 2013
Neighbourhood stories: role of neighbour identity, spatial location and order of arrival in legume and non-legume initial interactions
EWA Weidlich, VM Temperton, M Faget
Plant and Soil, 2017
A minirhizotron imaging system to identify roots expressing the green fluorescent protein
M Faget, M Liedgens, P Stamp, P Flütsch, JM Herrera
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 74 (1), 163-167, 2010
The use of green fluorescent protein as a tool to identify roots in mixed plant stands
M Faget, JM Herrera, P Stamp, I Aulinger-Leipner, E Frossard, ...
Functional Plant Biology 36 (11), 930-937, 2009
Root growth of maize in an Italian ryegrass living mulch studied with a non-destructive method
M Faget, M Liedgens, B Feil, P Stamp, JM Herrera
European Journal of Agronomy 36 (1), 1-8, 2012
Exploring the role of managers in the development of a safety culture in seven French healthcare facilities: a qualitative study
JL Quenon, A Vacher, M Faget, M Levif-Lecourt, T Roberts, I Fucks, ...
BMC Health Services Research 20, 1-11, 2020
Temperature Effects on Root Growth
M Faget, S Blossfeld, S Jahnke, G Huber, U Schurr, KA Nagel
Plant Roots: The Hidden Half, 31.1–31.8, 2013
Novel multiscale insights into the composite nature of water transport in roots
V Couvreur, M Faget, G Lobet, M Javaux, F Chaumont, X Draye
Biorxiv, 147314, 2017
Green fluorescent protein (GFP): a tool to study root interactions in mixed plant stands
M Faget
Diss., Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH, 2009
Forschungszentrum Juelich
M Faget
Germany, 0
Saphora-Job, un outil de mesure de la qualité de vie et de la satisfaction au travail dans les établissements de santé.
M Faget, N Terrien, JL Quenon, C Pourin
Risques & Qualité 15 (1), 80-88, 2018
Going with the flow: Novel insights into the composite nature of water flow in roots
V Couvreur, M Faget, G Lobet, S Passot, M Javaux, F Chaumont, X Draye
Crops in Silico Program Booklet, 2017
Cross-scale modelling of root composite water transport calls for a re-thinking of root hydraulic experiments
V Couvreur, M Faget, G Lobet, M Javaux, F Chaumont, X Draye
Proceedings of At the Forefront of Plant Research, 2017
An upscaling model describing root radial hydraulic conductivity from cross section anatomy and aquaporin expression patterns
V Couvreur, M Faget, M Javaux, F Chaumont, X Draye
2016 Kirkham Conference, 2016
Root Discrimination of Two Species by Using Transgenic Maize Expressing Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP).
M Liedgens, M Faget, P Stamp
The role of managers in safety culture development in healthcare facilities: results from a multicentric exploratory mixed exploratory mixed-method study method study
A Vacher, M Faget, M Levif-Lecourt, T Roberts, JL Quenon
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