Antti Arppe
Antti Arppe
Professor of Quantitative Linguistics, University of Alberta
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DescTools: Tools for descriptive statistics
A Signorell, K Aho, A Alfons, N Anderegg, T Aragon, A Arppe, A Baddeley, ...
R package version 0.99 28, 17, 2019
Cognitive corpus linguistics: Five points of debate on current theory and methodology
A Arppe, G Gilquin, D Glynn, M Hilpert, A Zeschel
Corpora 5 (1), 1-27, 2010
Every method counts: Combining corpus-based and experimental evidence in the study of synonymy
A Arppe, J Järvikivi
Walter de Gruyter 3 (2), 131-159, 2007
Extracting prototypes from exemplars What can corpus data tell us about concept representation?
D Divjak, A Arppe
Cognitive linguistics 24 (2), 221-274, 2013
Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate methods in corpus-based lexicography: A study of synonymy
A Arppe
Helsingin yliopisto, 2008
Sampling for variety
M Miestamo, D Bakker, A Arppe
Linguistic Typology 20 (2), 233-296, 2016
The language of quarterly reports as an indicator of change in the company’s financial status
C Magnusson, A Arppe, T Eklund, B Back, H Vanharanta, A Visa
Information & Management 42 (4), 561-574, 2005
Developing a grammar checker for Swedish
A Arppe
Proceedings of the 12th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics …, 2000
Chinese L1 children's English L2 verb morphology over time: Individual variation in long-term outcomes
J Paradis, Y Tulpar, A Arppe
Journal of Child Language 43 (3), 553-580, 2016
Machine meets man: Evaluating the psychological reality of corpus-based probabilistic models
D Divjak, E Dąbrowska, A Arppe
Cognitive Linguistics 27 (1), 1-33, 2016
Indigenous language technologies in Canada: Assessment, challenges, and successes
P Littell, A Kazantseva, R Kuhn, A Pine, A Arppe, C Cox, MO Junker
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational …, 2018
Modeling the noun morphology of Plains Cree
C Snoek, D Thunder, K Lõo, A Arppe, J Lachler, S Moshagen, T Trosterud
Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the …, 2014
Term extraction from unrestricted text
A Arppe
the Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa), 1995
Learning from the computational modelling of Plains Cree verbs
AG Harrigan, K Schmirler, A Arppe, L Antonsen, T Trosterud, ...
Morphology 27, 565-598, 2017
Basic language resource kits for endangered languages: A case study of Plains Cree
A Arppe, J Lachler, T Trosterud, L Antonsen, SN Moshagen
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Collaboration and Computing for Under …, 2016
polytomous: Polytomous logistic regression for fixed and mixed effects
A Arppe
R package version 0.1 4, 2012
Take empiricism seriously! In support of methodological diversity in linguistics
A Arppe, J Järvikivi
Walter de Gruyter 3 (1), 99-109, 2007
Topic marking in a Shanghainese corpus: From observation to prediction
W Han, A Arppe, J Newman
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 13 (2), 291-319, 2017
A morphological parser for Odawa
D Bowers, A Arppe, J Lachler, S Moshagen, T Trosterud
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the …, 2017
The usage patterns and selectional preferences of synonyms in a morphologically rich language
A Arppe
JADT-2002. 6th International Conference on Textual Data Statistical Analysis …, 2002
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Articles 1–20