Martin Semmann
Martin Semmann
Hub of Computing and Data Science, University of Hamburg
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A taxonomy of interaction techniques for immersive augmented reality based on an iterative literature review
J Hertel, S Karaosmanoglu, S Schmidt, J Bräker, M Semmann, F Steinicke
2021 IEEE international symposium on mixed and augmented reality (ISMAR …, 2021
Privacy by Design to Comply with GDPR: A Review on Third-Party Data Processors
C Kurtz, M Semmann, T Böhmann
Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2018
Using Microfoundations of Value Co-Crea-tion to Guide Service Systems Design–A Multilevel Design Framework
C Grotherr, M Semmann, T Böhmann
Multilevel Design for Service Systems, 95, 2020
Identifying Opportunities for Service Productivity Improvement Using a Business Model Lens – Lessons From Corporate Education Services
A Zolnowski, M Semmann, T Böhmann, S Amrou
RESER Conference, 2011
Multilevel design for smart communities–the case of building a local online neighborhood social community
C Grotherr, P Vogel, M Semmann
Post-Project Benefits Management in Large Organizations – Insights of a Qualitative Study
M Semmann, T Böhmann
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 16, 2015
Towards a framework for information privacy in complex service ecosystems
C Kurtz, M Semmann, W Schulz
Metamodels for Representing Service Business Models
A Zolnowski, M Semmann, T Böhmann
Proceedings of SIGSVC Workshop, 2011
Introducing a Co-Creation Perspective to Service Business Models
A Zolnowski, M Semmann, T Böhmann
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, 243-248, 2011
The Unlikely Siblings in the GDPR Family: A Techno-Legal Analysis of Major Platforms in the Diffusion of Personal Data in Service Ecosystems
C Kurtz, F Wittner, M Semmann, W Schulz, T Böhmann
Hawaii Conference on System Sciences, 2019
How to Empower Users for Co-Creation-Conceptualizing an Engagement Platform for Benefits Realization
M Semmann, C Grotherr
International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) 13, 2017
Vergleich von Metamodellen zur Repräsentation von Geschäftsmodellen im Service more
A Zolnowski, M Semmann, T Böhmann
Dienstleistungsmodellierung, 2012
Requirements for augmented reality solutions for safety-critical services–the case of water depth management in a maritime logistics hub
A Osterbrink, J Bräker, M Semmann, M Wiesche
Innovation Through Information Systems: Volume I: A Collection of Latest …, 2021
User-centered requirements for augmented reality as a cognitive assistant for safety-critical services
J Bräker, A Osterbrink, M Semmann, M Wiesche
Business & Information Systems Engineering 65 (2), 161-178, 2023
Accountability of platform providers for unlawful personal data processing in their ecosystems–A socio-techno-legal analysis of Facebook and Apple's iOS according to GDPR
C Kurtz, F Wittner, M Semmann, W Schulz, T Böhmann
Journal of Responsible Technology 9, 100018, 2022
Engaging Users to Co-Create - Implications for Service Systems Design by Evaluating an Engagement Platform
C Grotherr, M Semmann, T Böhmann
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1066 - 1075, 2018
Waking Up a Sleeping Giant: Lessons from Two Extended Pilots to Transform Public Organizations by Internal Crowdsourcing.
C Grotherr, T Wagenknecht, M Semmann
ICIS, 2019
Enhancing transfer-of-training for corporate training services: Conceptualizing transfer-supporting IT components with theory-driven design
S Amrou, M Semmann, T Böhmann
Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2015
How does business process modeling reflect augmented reality-based processes?
J Bräker, M Semmann
PACIS, 75, 2021
Design goals for consent at scale in digital service ecosystems
C Kurtz, F Wittner, P Vogel, M Semmann, T Böhmann
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