Christopher Lentzsch
Cited by
Cited by
We value your privacy... now take some cookies: Measuring the GDPR's impact on web privacy
M Degeling, C Utz, C Lentzsch, H Hosseini, F Schaub, T Holz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.05096, 2018
Hey Alexa, is this skill safe?: Taking a closer look at the Alexa skill ecosystem
C Lentzsch, SJ Shah, B Andow, M Degeling, A Das, W Enck
Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium2021, 2021
We Value Your Privacy
M Degeling, C Utz, C Lentzsch, H Hosseini, F Schaub, T Holz
Now Take Some Cookies: Measuring the GDPR’s Impact on Web Privacy, 2019
Privacy by socio-technical design: A collaborative approach for privacy friendly system design
M Degeling, C Lentzsch, A Nolte, T Herrmann, KU Loser
2016 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Collaboration and Internet …, 2016
Integrating a practice perspective to privacy by design
C Lentzsch, KU Loser, M Degeling, A Nolte
Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust: 5th International …, 2017
Intervention and EUD
T Herrmann, C Lentzsch, M Degeling
End-User Development: 7th International Symposium, IS-EUD 2019, 67-82, 2019
Hochschulen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Datenschutz und Learning Analytics–eine Analyse der Konflikte und aktuelle Lösungsansätze
C Lentzsch, KU Loser
Learning Analytics und Künstliche Intelligenz in Studium und Lehre …, 2024
Predictive Maintenance as a Case for Intervention.
C Lentzsch, T Herrmann
AutomationXP@ CHI, 2021
Forschungsprivilegien im neuen Datenschutzrecht
KU Loser, C Lentzsch
Qualitative Sekundäranalysen: Daten der Sozialforschung aufbereiten und …, 2021
The Right to Privacy in Socio-Technical Smart Home Settings: Privacy Risks in Multi-Stakeholder Environments
M Konrad, S Koch-Sonneborn, C Lentzsch
HCI International 2020-Posters: 22nd International Conference, HCII 2020 …, 2020
From sketching to modeling–Supporting end-users to elicit processes
C Lentzsch, A Nolte
Tagungsband Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2016: Research-in-Progress …, 2016
Intervention User Interfaces for the Smart Home
C Lentzsch, T Herrmann
Automation Experience across Domains (AutomationXP20), CHI’20 Workshop, 2020
Displaying Art in Virtual Environments: Helping Artists Achieve Their Vision
T Piechota, M Schmittchen, C Lentzsch
HCI International 2020-Posters: 22nd International Conference, HCII 2020 …, 2020
It’s About the Documents: Re-engineering Business Processes in Public Administrations
C Lentzsch, T Herrmann
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: 7th International Conference …, 2020
We Value Your Privacy... Now Take Some Cookies1
M Degeling, C Utz, C Lentzsch, H Hosseini, F Schaub, T Holz
Spektrum, 345, 2019
It‘s about the documents
C Lentzsch, T Herrmann
The Right to Privacy in Socio-Technical Smart Home Settings
M Konrad, S Koch-Sonneborn, C Lentzsch
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Articles 1–17