Julie C. Driebe
Julie C. Driebe
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Routinely randomize potential sources of measurement reactivity to estimate and adjust for biases in subjective reports.
RC Arslan, AK Reitz, JC Driebe, TM Gerlach, L Penke
Psychological Methods 26 (2), 175, 2021
Personality and Romantic Relationship Satisfaction
TM Gerlach, JC Driebe
Women feel more attractive before ovulation: Evidence from a large-scale online diary study
L Schleifenbaum, JC Driebe, TM Gerlach, L Penke, RC Arslan
Evolutionary Human Sciences 3, e47, 2021
Intelligence can be detected but is not found attractive in videos and live interactions
JC Driebe, MJ Sidari, M Dufner, JM Von der Heiden, PC Bürkner, L Penke, ...
Evolution and Human Behavior 42 (6), 507-516, 2021
Hormonal Contraception and Sexuality: Causal Effects, Unobserved Selection, or Reverse Causality?
LJ Botzet, TM Gerlach, JC Driebe, L Penke, RC Arslan
Collabra: Psychology 7 (1), 29039, 2021
The evidence for good genes ovulatory shifts in Arslan et al.(2018) is mixed and uncertain.
RC Arslan, JC Driebe, J Stern, TM Gerlach, L Penke
American Psychological Association 121 (2), 441, 2021
Men are not aware of and do not respond to their female partner's fertility status: Evidence from a dyadic diary study of 384 couples
L Schleifenbaum, J Stern, JC Driebe, LL Wieczorek, TM Gerlach, ...
Hormones and Behavior 143, 105202, 2022
Routinely randomise the display and order of items to estimate and adjust for biases in subjective reports
RC Arslan, AK Reitz, JC Driebe, TM Gerlach, L Penke
Probing the predictive validity of ideal partner preferences for future partner traits and relationship outcomes across 13 years
JC Driebe, J Stern, L Penke, TM Gerlach
European Journal of Personality, 08902070231213797, 2023
Goettingen Ovulatory Cycle Diaries 2
RC Arslan, J Driebe, J Stern, TM Gerlach, J Ostner, L Penke
Open Science Framework, 2020
Stability and Change of Individual Differences in Ideal Partner Preferences Over 13 Years
JC Driebe, J Stern, L Penke, TM Gerlach
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 01461672231164757, 2023
No evidence that inbreeding avoidance is up-regulated during the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle
IJ Holzleitner, JC Driebe, RC Arslan, AC Hahn, AJ Lee, KJ O’Shea, ...
bioRxiv, 2019
Ovulatory cycle shifts in human motivational prioritisation of sex and food
L Schleifenbaum, J Stern, JC Driebe, LL Wieczorek, TM Gerlach, ...
Hormones and Behavior 162, 105542, 2024
No increased inbreeding avoidance during the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle
IJ Holzleitner, JC Driebe, RC Arslan, AC Hahn, AJ Lee, KJ O'Shea, ...
Evolutionary Human Sciences 4, e47, 2022
Stability and change of ideal partner preferences over 13 years.
TM Gerlach, JC Driebe, J Stern, L Penke
Re-evaluating the Influence of Preferences on Attraction and Relationship Decisions
JC Driebe
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 2021
Intelligence can be detected but is not found
JC Driebe, MJ Sidari, M Dufner, JM von der Heiden, PC Bürkner, L Penke, ...
Routinely randomize potential sources of measurement reactivity to estimate and adjust for biases in subjective reports (Dataset)
RC Arslan, AK Reitz, JC Driebe, TM Gerlach, L Penke
Hormone-linked shifts in female motivational priorities
L Schleifenbaum, L Penke, TM Gerlach, J Stern, RC Arslan, LL Wieczorek, ...
OSF, 2019
Supplemental Material for “Women feel more attractive before ovulation: evidence from a large-scale online diary study”
L Schleifenbaum, JC Driebe, TM Gerlach, L Penke, RC Arslan
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