Alexander Toschev
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Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Московская государственная …
ДВ Дубров
Математика (профильный уровень) 39 (09.03), 02, 2021
Simulation of a fear-like state on a model of dopamine system of rat brain
A Leukhin, M Talanov, I Sozutov, J Vallverdú, A Toschev
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) for Young Scientists …, 2016
Thinking lifecycle as an implementation of machine understanding in software maintenance automation domain
A Toschev, M Talanov
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications: 9th KES …, 2015
Neurointerface implemented with oscillator motifs
M Talanov, A Suleimanova, A Leukhin, Y Mikhailova, A Toschev, ...
2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2021
Oscillator motif as design pattern for the spinal cord circuitry reconstruction
M Talanov, A Leukhin, A Suleimanova, A Toschev, I Lavrov
BioNanoScience 10 (3), 649-653, 2020
Simulation of serotonin mechanisms in NEUCOGAR cognitive architecture
M Talanov, F Gafarov, J Vallverdú, S Ostapenko, M Gazizov, A Toschev, ...
Procedia computer science 123, 473-478, 2018
Emotional simulations and depression diagnostics
M Talanov, J Vallverdu, B Hu, P Moore, A Toschev, D Shatunova, ...
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 18, 41-50, 2016
Neuropunk revolution. hacking cognitive systems towards cyborgs 3.0
M Talanov, J Vallverdu, A Adamatzky, A Toschev, A Suleimanova, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.06538, 2022
On the organic memristive device resistive switching efficacy
Y Gerasimov, E Zykov, N Prudnikov, M Talanov, A Toschev, V Erokhin
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 143, 110549, 2021
Modeling Psycho-Emotional States via Neurosimulation of Monoamine Neurotransmitters
M Talanov, A Leukhin, H Lövheim, J Vallverdú, A Toschev, F Gafarov
Blended Cognition: The Robotic Challenge, 127-156, 2019
Dopamine modulation via memristive schematic
M Talanov, E Zykov, Y Gerasimov, A Toschev, V Erokhin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.06325, 2017
Применение моделей мышления в интеллектуальных вопросно-ответных системах
АС Тощев
Электронные библиотеки 18 (5), 222-230, 2015
Even simpler real-time model of neuron: Simplified model of neuron for real-time simulation of bio-compatible neuronal response
A Leukhin, M Talanov, A Suleimanova, A Toschev, I Lavrov
BioNanoScience 10, 416-419, 2020
Modeling the fear-like state in realistic neural network
M Talanov, A Toschev, A Leukhin
BioNanoScience 7, 446-448, 2017
Comparative analysis of neural network models performance on low-power devices for a real-time object detection task
A Zagitov, E Chebotareva, A Toschev, E Magid
Компьютерная оптика 48 (2), 242-252, 2024
Spiking reasoning system
A Toschev, M Talanov, V Kurnosov
2017 10th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering …, 2017
Вычислительная модель эмоций в интеллектуальных информационных системах
МО Таланов, АС Тощев
Электронные библиотеки 18 (5), 231-241, 2015
Appraisal, Coping and High Level Emotions Aspects of Computational Emotional Thinking
M Talanov, A Toschev
International Journal of Synthetic Emotions (IJSE) 6 (1), 24-39, 2015
Neuro-Interfaces Review
Y Mihaylova, A Pozdeeva, A Leukhin, A Toschev, M Talanov, J Vallverdú, ...
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness 10 (01), 15-25, 2023
Neurointerface with oscillator motifs for inhibitory effect over antagonist muscles
Y Mikhailova, A Pozdeeva, A Suleimanova, A Leukhin, A Toschev, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 17, 1113867, 2023
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Articles 1–20