Elena Celledoni
Elena Celledoni
Professor of mathematics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
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Preserving energy resp. dissipation in numerical PDEs using the “Average Vector Field” method
E Celledoni, V Grimm, RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, D O’Neale, B Owren, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (20), 6770-6789, 2012
Energy-preserving runge-kutta methods
E Celledoni, RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, B Owren, GRW Quispel, ...
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 43 (4), 645-649, 2009
Commutator-free Lie group methods
E Celledoni, A Marthinsen, B Owren
Future Generation Computer Systems 19 (3), 341-352, 2003
Symmetric exponential integrators with an application to the cubic Schrödinger equation
E Celledoni, D Cohen, B Owren
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 8, 303-317, 2008
Approximating the exponential from a Lie algebra to a Lie group
E Celledoni, A Iserles
Mathematics of Computation 69 (232), 1457-1480, 2000
Lie group methods for rigid body dynamics and time integration on manifolds
E Celledoni, B Owren
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 192 (3-4), 421-438, 2003
Methods for the approximation of the matrix exponential in a Lie‐algebraic setting
E Celledoni, A Iserles
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 21 (2), 463-488, 2001
An introduction to Lie group integrators–basics, new developments and applications
E Celledoni, H Marthinsen, B Owren
Journal of Computational Physics 257, 1040-1061, 2014
Geometric properties of Kahan's method
E Celledoni, RI McLachlan, B Owren, GRW Quispel
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (2), 025201, 2012
Energy-preserving integrators and the structure of B-series
E Celledoni, RI McLachlan, B Owren, GRW Quispel
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 10, 673-693, 2010
Deep learning as optimal control problems: Models and numerical methods
M Benning, E Celledoni, MJ Ehrhardt, B Owren, CB Schönlieb
Journal of Computational Dynamics (arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.05657) 6 ((2 …, 2019
A Krylov projection method for systems of ODEs
E Celledoni, I Moret
Applied numerical mathematics 24 (2-3), 365-378, 1997
Integrability properties of Kahanʼs method
E Celledoni, RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, B Owren, GRW Quispel
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (36), 365202, 2014
Structure-preserving deep learning
E Celledoni, MJ Ehrhardt, C Etmann, RI McLachlan, B Owren, ...
European journal of applied mathematics 32 (5), 888-936, 2021
Shape Analysis on Lie Groups with Applications in Computer Animation
E Celledoni, M Eslitzbichler, A Schmeding
Journal of Geometric Mechanics (JGM). 8 (3), 2016
On the implementation of Lie group methods on the Stiefel manifold
E Celledoni, B Owren
Numerical Algorithms 32, 163-183, 2003
A class of intrinsic schemes for orthogonal integration
E Celledoni, B Owren
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 40 (6), 2069-2084, 2002
The exact computation of the free rigid body motion and its use in splitting methods
E Celledoni, F Fassò, N Säfström, A Zanna
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 30 (4), 2084-2112, 2008
Discretization of polynomial vector fields by polarization
E Celledoni, RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, B Owren, GRW Quispel
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2015
The minimal stage, energy preserving Runge–Kutta method for polynomial Hamiltonian systems is the averaged vector field method
E Celledoni, B Owren, Y Sun
Mathematics of Computation 83 (288), 1689-1700, 2014
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