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Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2006 (10), P10001, 2006
304 2006 Upstairs walking speed distributions on a long stairway T Kretz, A Grünebohm, A Kessel, H Klüpfel, T Meyer-König, ...
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134 2008 First-principles-based calculation of the electrocaloric effect in : A comparison of direct and indirect methods M Marathe, A Grünebohm, T Nishimatsu, P Entel, C Ederer
Physical Review B 93 (5), 054110, 2016
117 2016 First-principles calculation of the instability leading to giant inverse magnetocaloric effects D Comtesse, ME Gruner, M Ogura, VV Sokolovskiy, VD Buchelnikov, ...
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92 2014 Electrocaloric effect in at all three ferroelectric transitions: Anisotropy and inverse caloric effects M Marathe, D Renggli, M Sanlialp, MO Karabasov, VV Shvartsman, ...
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78 2017 Influence of defects on ferroelectric and electrocaloric properties of A Grünebohm, T Nishimatsu
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62 2016 Ab Initio and Monte Carlo Approaches For the Magnetocaloric Effect in Co- and In-Doped Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler AlloysV Sokolovskiy, A Grünebohm, V Buchelnikov, P Entel
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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 385, 193-197, 2015
27 2015 Ab initio phase diagram of BaTiO3 under epitaxial strain revisited A Grünebohm, M Marathe, C Ederer
Applied Physics Letters 107 (10), 2015
25 2015 Interplay of domain structure and phase transitions: theory, experiment and functionality A Grünebohm, M Marathe, R Khachaturyan, R Schiedung, DC Lupascu, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34 (7), 073002, 2021
24 2021 First-principles study of the influence of (110)-oriented strain on the ferroelectric properties of rutile TiO A Grünebohm, C Ederer, P Entel
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23 2016 First-principles investigation of incipient ferroelectric trends of rutile TiO in bulk and at the (110) surface A Grünebohm, P Entel, C Ederer
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22 2013 Domain Structure in the Tetragonal Phase of BaTiO3 – from Bulk to Nanoparticles A Grünebohm, ME Gruner, P Entel
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16 2018 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Chemically Disordered Ferroelectric (Ba,Sr)TiO3 with a Semi-Empirical Effective Hamiltonian T Nishimatsu, A Grünebohm, UV Waghmare, M Kubo
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