Brett J. Furnas
Brett J. Furnas
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
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Detecting diversity: emerging methods to estimate species diversity
KJ Iknayan, MW Tingley, BJ Furnas, SR Beissinger
Trends in ecology & evolution 29 (2), 97-106, 2014
Autonomous sound recording outperforms human observation for sampling birds: a systematic map and user guide
K Darras, P Batáry, BJ Furnas, I Grass, YA Mulyani, T Tscharntke
Ecological Applications 29 (6), e01954, 2019
Using automated recorders and occupancy models to monitor common forest birds across a large geographic region
BJ Furnas, RL Callas
The Journal of Wildlife Management 79 (2), 325-337, 2015
Comparing the sampling performance of sound recorders versus point counts in bird surveys: A meta‐analysis
K Darras, P Batáry, B Furnas, A Celis‐Murillo, SL Van Wilgenburg, ...
Journal of applied ecology 55 (6), 2575-2586, 2018
Estimating bird detection distances in sound recordings for standardizing detection ranges and distance sampling
K Darras, B Furnas, I Fitriawan, Y Mulyani, T Tscharntke
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (9), 1928-1938, 2018
Landscape fuel reduction, forest fire, and biophysical linkages to local habitat use and local persistence of fishers (Pekania pennanti) in Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests
RA Sweitzer, BJ Furnas, RH Barrett, KL Purcell, CM Thompson
Forest Ecology and Management 361, 208-225, 2016
Using occupancy modeling to monitor dates of peak vocal activity for passerines in California
BJ Furnas, MC McGrann
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 120 (1), 188-200, 2018
Artificial water catchments influence wildlife distribution in the Mojave Desert
LN Rich, SR Beissinger, JS Brashares, BJ Furnas
The Journal of Wildlife Management 83 (4), 855-865, 2019
Integrated modeling to estimate population size and composition of mule deer
BJ Furnas, RH Landers, S Hill, SS Itoga, BN Sacks
The Journal of Wildlife Management 82 (7), 1429-1441, 2018
Rapid and varied responses of songbirds to climate change in California coniferous forests
BJ Furnas
Biological Conservation 241, 108347, 2020
Integrating sign surveys and telemetry data for estimating brown bear (Ursus arctos) density in the Romanian Carpathians
VD Popescu, R Iosif, MI Pop, S Chiriac, G Bouroș, BJ Furnas
Ecology and Evolution 7 (18), 7134-7144, 2017
Estimating population size of fishers (Pekania pennanti) using camera stations and auxiliary data on home range size
BJ Furnas, RH Landers, RL Callas, SM Matthews
Ecosphere 8 (3), e01747, 2017
Data from camera surveys identifying co-occurrence and occupancy linkages between fishers (Pekania pennanti), rodent prey, mesocarnivores, and larger predators in mixed-conifer …
RA Sweitzer, BJ Furnas
Data in Brief 6, 783-792, 2016
Intermediate fire severity diversity promotes richness of forest carnivores in California
BJ Furnas, BR Goldstein, PJ Figura
Diversity and Distributions 28 (3), 493-505, 2022
Divergent species richness and vocal behavior in avian migratory guilds along an elevational gradient
MC McGrann, BJ Furnas
Ecosphere 7 (8), e01419, 2016
Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape
AC Burton, C Beirne, KM Gaynor, C Sun, A Granados, ML Allen, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 8 (5), 924-935, 2024
Acoustic and camera surveys inform models of current and future vertebrate distributions in a changing desert ecosystem
LN Rich, BJ Furnas, DS Newton, JS Brashares
Diversity and Distributions 25 (9), 1441-1456, 2019
Overabundance of black‐tailed deer in urbanized coastal California
BJ Furnas, RH Landers, RG Paiste, BN Sacks
The Journal of Wildlife Management 84 (5), 979-988, 2020
Insectivorous bat occupancy is mediated by drought and agricultural land use in a highly modified ecoregion
TN Smith, BJ Furnas, MD Nelson, DC Barton, B Clucas
Diversity and Distributions 27 (7), 1152-1165, 2021
Hierarchical distance sampling to estimate population sizes of common lizards across a desert ecoregion
BJ Furnas, DS Newton, GD Capehart, CW Barrows
Ecology and evolution 9 (6), 3046-3058, 2019
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