Rodrigo Isidor
Rodrigo Isidor
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Gender effects on entrepreneurial intention: a meta‐analytical structural equation model
I Haus, H Steinmetz, R Isidor, R Kabst
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 5 (2), 130-156, 2013
Corporate entrepreneurship and performance: A meta-analysis
M Bierwerth, C Schwens, R Isidor, R Kabst
Small business economics 45, 255-278, 2015
International entrepreneurship: A meta–analysis on the internationalization and performance relationship
C Schwens, FB Zapkau, M Bierwerth, R Isidor, G Knight, R Kabst
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 42 (5), 734-768, 2018
The influence of cultural context on the relationship between gender diversity and team performance: A meta-analysis
M Schneid, R Isidor, C Li, R Kabst
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 26 (6), 733-756, 2015
Age diversity and team outcomes: A quantitative review
M Schneid, R Isidor, H Steinmetz, R Kabst
Journal of Managerial Psychology 31 (1), 2-17, 2016
The more the merrier? Immigrant share and entrepreneurial activities
C Li, R Isidor, LA Dau, R Kabst
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 42 (5), 698-733, 2018
Testing the circular structure of human values: A meta-analytical structural equation modelling approach
H Steinmetz, R Isidor, N Baeuerle
Survey Research Methods 6 (1), 61-75, 2012
Human resource management and early internationalization: is there a leap-frogging in international staffing?
R Isidor, C Schwens, R Kabst
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (10), 2167-2184, 2011
Different stages of entrepreneurship: Lessons from the transtheoretical model of change
FE Klonek, R Isidor, S Kauffeld
Journal of Change Management 15 (1), 43-63, 2015
The impact of structural and attitudinal antecedents on the instability of international joint ventures: The mediating role of asymmetrical changes in commitment
R Isidor, C Schwens, F Hornung, R Kabst
International Business Review 24 (2), 298-310, 2015
Gender Differences in the Intention to Start a Business
H Steinmetz, R Isidor, C Bauer
Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2021
Interim management utilisation, firm flexibility and its impact on firm performance
R Isidor, C Schwens, R Kabst
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management 14 (4 …, 2014
Der Einfluss der Teamdiversität auf die Teamleistung: Eine Metaanalyse/The influence of team diversity on team performance: A meta-analysis
M Schneid, R Isidor, H Steinmetz, R Kabst, H Weber
Die Betriebswirtschaft 74 (3), 183, 2014
The other side of the same coin–How communal beliefs about entrepreneurship influence attitudes toward entrepreneurship
EA Jakob, R Isidor, H Steinmetz, MC Wehner, R Kabst
Journal of Vocational Behavior 112, 431-445, 2019
Interim Management
R Kabst, W Thost, R Isidor
Auf dem Weg zur Selbstverständlichkeit. Düsseldorf, 2010
International entrepreneurship: a meta-analysis
C Schwens, R Isidor, M Bierwerth, R Kabst
Academy of Management Proceedings 2011 (1), 1-5, 2011
Vorteil Interim Management
R Kabst, W Thost, R Isidor
Personal: Zeitschrift für Human Resource Management 61 (2), 20-23, 2009
Linking transaction cost and social exchange theory to explain strategic alliance performance: a meta-analytic structural equation model
R Isidor, H Steinmetz, C Schwens, R Kabst
International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances 35 3 (2-3), 140-167, 2014
Interim Management: Auf dem Weg zur Selbstverständlichkeit
R Kabst, W Thost, R Isidor
Handelsblatt Fachverlag, 2010
Meta-analytische Strukturgleichungsmodelle
H Steinmetz, M Bosnjak, R Isidor
Psychologische Rundschau, 2020
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