Matthias Steinhausen
Matthias Steinhausen
Technical University of Darmstadt, Departement of Mechanical Engineering, Simulation of reactive Thermo-Fluid Systems
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Numerical study of quenching distances for side-wall quenching using detailed diffusion and chemistry
T Zirwes, T Häber, F Zhang, H Kosaka, A Dreizler, M Steinhausen, ...
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 106, 649-679, 2021
Numerical investigation of local heat-release rates and thermo-chemical states in side-wall quenching of laminar methane and dimethyl ether flames
M Steinhausen, Y Luo, S Popp, C Strassacker, T Zirwes, H Kosaka, ...
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 106, 681-700, 2021
Detailed assessment of the thermochemistry in a side-wall quenching burner by simultaneous quantitative measurement of CO2, CO and temperature using laser diagnostics
F Zentgraf, P Johe, M Steinhausen, C Hasse, M Greifenstein, AD Cutler, ...
Combustion and Flame 235, 111707, 2022
Flamelet modeling of thermo-diffusively unstable hydrogen-air flames
H Böttler, H Lulic, M Steinhausen, X Wen, C Hasse, A Scholtissek
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2), 1567-1576, 2023
Characterization of flow field and combustion dynamics in a novel pressurized side-wall quenching burner using high-speed PIV/OH-PLIF measurements
P Johe, F Zentgraf, M Greifenstein, M Steinhausen, C Hasse, A Dreizler
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 94, 108921, 2022
Flame-vortex interaction during turbulent side-wall quenching and its implications for flamelet manifolds
M Steinhausen, T Zirwes, F Ferraro, A Scholtissek, H Bockhorn, C Hasse
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2), 2149-2158, 2023
Chemistry effects in the wall quenching of laminar premixed DME flames
A Stagni, Y Luo, M Steinhausen, A Dreizler, C Hasse
Combustion and Flame 232, 111529, 2021
Combined effects of heat loss and curvature on turbulent flame-wall interaction in a premixed dimethyl ether/air flame
D Kaddar, M Steinhausen, T Zirwes, H Bockhorn, C Hasse, F Ferraro
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2), 2199-2208, 2023
Effect of flame retardants on side-wall quenching of partially premixed laminar flames
M Steinhausen, F Ferraro, M Schneider, F Zentgraf, M Greifenstein, ...
Proceedings of the combustion institute 39 (3), 3745-3754, 2023
Turbulent flame-wall interaction of premixed flames using Quadrature-based Moment Methods (QbMM) and tabulated chemistry: An a priori analysis
M Steinhausen, T Zirwes, F Ferraro, S Popp, F Zhang, H Bockhorn, ...
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 93, 108913, 2022
Application of dense neural networks for manifold-based modeling of flame-wall interactions
J Bissantz, J Karpowski, M Steinhausen, Y Luo, F Ferraro, A Scholtissek, ...
Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 13, 100113, 2023
Assessment of flamelet manifolds for turbulent flame-wall interactions in large-eddy simulations
Y Luo, M Steinhausen, D Kaddar, C Hasse, F Ferraro
Combustion and Flame 255, 112923, 2023
Numerical Investigation of the Local Thermo-Chemical State in a Thermo-Acoustically Unstable Dual Swirl Gas Turbine Model Combustor
TJP Karpowski, F Ferraro, M Steinhausen, S Popp, CM Arndt, C Kraus, ...
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 86007, V03BT04A056, 2022
Numerical simulation of single rising bubbles influenced by soluble surfactant in the spherical and ellipsoidal regime
M Steinhausen
Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2018
Flame-wall interaction of thermodiffusively unstable hydrogen/air flames-Part I: Characterization of governing physical phenomena
M Schneider, H Nicolai, V Schuh, M Steinhausen, C Hasse
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.17590, 2024
Modeling of effusion cooling air-flame interaction using thermochemical manifolds
M Schneider, M Steinhausen, H Nicolai, C Hasse
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (1-4), 105453, 2024
Flame-wall interaction of thermodiffusively unstable hydrogen/air flames--Part II: Parametric variations of equivalence ratio, temperature, and pressure
M Schneider, H Nicolai, V Schuh, M Steinhausen, C Hasse
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.18106, 2024
Modeling of near-wall flame dynamics in laminar and turbulent combustion
M Steinhausen
Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2024
Measurements of the local equivalence ratio and its impact on the thermochemical state in laminar partially premixed boundary layer flames
M Greifenstein, F Zentgraf, P Johe, B Boehm, M Steinhausen, C Hasse, ...
Experiments in Fluids 65 (1), 7, 2024
Dataset to: Turbulent flame-wall interaction of premixed flames using Quadrature-based Moment Methods (QbMM) and tabulated chemistry: an a priori analysis
M Steinhausen, T Zirwes, F Ferraro, S Popp, F Zhang, H Bockhorn, ...
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