Jingxiao Cai
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Cited by
Oracle automl: a fast and predictive automl pipeline
A Yakovlev, HF Moghadam, A Moharrer, J Cai, N Chavoshi, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13 (12), 3166-3180, 2020
Micro‐Doppler radar signature identification within wind turbine clutter based on short‐CPI airborne radar observations
R Nepal, J Cai, Z Yan
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 9 (9), 1268-1275, 2015
Diagnosis and classification of typhoon-associated low-altitude turbulence using HKO-TDWR radar observations and machine learning
J Cai, Y Zhang, RJ Doviak, Y Shrestha, PW Chan
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (6), 3633-3648, 2019
Fast, predictive, and iteration-free automated machine learning pipeline
V Varadarajan, SR Agrawal, HF Moghadam, A Yakovlev, A Moharrer, ...
US Patent App. 17/086,204, 2021
Automated machine learning pipeline for timeseries datasets utilizing point-based algorithms
N Chavoshi, A Yakovlev, HF Moghadam, V Varadarajan, S Agrawal, ...
US Patent 11,989,657, 2024
Real-time radar signal processing using GPGPU (general-purpose graphic processing unit)
F Kong, YR Zhang, J Cai, RD Palmer
Radar Sensor Technology XX 9829, 311-317, 2016
Super-resolution processing for multi-functional LPI waveforms
Z Li, Y Zhang, S Wang, J Cai
Radar Sensor Technology XVIII 9077, 196-204, 2014
Optimized radar signal processing for a low-cost, solid-state airborne radar
Y Zhang, Z Li, B Cheong, H Suarez, YR Huang, W Blake, T Yong, ...
36th Conference on Radar Meteorology, 16-20, 2013
Acceleration of advanced radar processing chain and adaptive pulse compression using GPGPU
J Cai, YR Zhang, F Kong, L Li
Proceedings of the 24th High Performance Computing Symposium, 1-6, 2016
Acceleration of generalized adaptive pulse compression with parallel GPUs
J Cai, YR Zhang
Radar Sensor Technology XIX; and Active and Passive Signatures VI 9461, 37-44, 2015
General purpose graphic processing unit implementation of adaptive pulse compression algorithms
J Cai, Y Zhang
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 11 (3), 035009-035009, 2017
Advanced Aviation Weather Radar Data Processing and Real-Time Implementations
J Cai
Adaptive sampling for imbalance mitigation and dataset size reduction in machine learning
J Cai, S Agrawal, S Idicula, V Varadarajan, A Yakovlev, N Agarwal
US Patent 11,562,178, 2023
Concept Design and Feasibility Studies for a Ka-band, UAS-based Cloud Sensing Radar
J Cai, RK Mirza, YR Zhang, D Delene, J Tilley
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Articles 1–14