Marloes Hendrickx
Marloes Hendrickx
Assistant professor, Eindhoven School of Education, Eindhoven University of Technology
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Cited by
Social dynamics in the classroom: Teacher support and conflict and the peer ecology
MMHG Hendrickx, MT Mainhard, HJ Boor-Klip, AHM Cillessen, ...
Teaching and Teacher Education 53, 30-40, 2016
The teacher’s invisible hand: A meta-analysis of the relevance of teacher–student relationship quality for peer relationships and the contribution of student behavior
HM Endedijk, LD Breeman, CJ van Lissa, MMHG Hendrickx, L den Boer, ...
Review of Educational Research 92 (3), 370-412, 2022
Teacher behavior and peer liking and disliking: The teacher as a social referent for peer status.
MMHG Hendrickx, T Mainhard, S Oudman, HJ Boor-Klip, M Brekelmans
Journal of Educational Psychology 109 (4), 546, 2017
The moderating role of classroom descriptive norms in the association of student behavior with social preference and popularity
HJ Boor-Klip, E Segers, MMHG Hendrickx, AHN Cillessen
The Journal of Early Adolescence 37 (3), 387-413, 2017
Our teacher likes you, so I like you: A social network approach to social referencing
MMHG Hendrickx, T Mainhard, HJ Boor-Klip, M Brekelmans
Journal of School Psychology 63, 35-48, 2017
Development and psychometric properties of the classroom peer context questionnaire
HJ Boor‐Klip, E Segers, MMHG Hendrickx, AHN Cillessen
Social Development 25 (2), 370-389, 2016
Teacher liking as an affective filter for the association between student behavior and peer status
MMHG Hendrickx, T Mainhard, HJ Boor-Klip, M Brekelmans
Contemporary Educational Psychology 49, 250-262, 2017
Classroom social environment as student emotions' antecedent: Mediating role of achievement goals
X Sun, MMHG Hendrickx, T Goetz, T Wubbels, T Mainhard
The Journal of Experimental Education 90 (1), 146-157, 2022
Halo and association effects: cognitive biases in teacher attunement to peer‐nominated bullies, victims, and prosocial students
E Marucci, B Oldenburg, D Barrera, AHN Cillessen, M Hendrickx, ...
Social Development 30 (1), 187-204, 2021
Reciprocal associations between teacher-student relations and students' externalizing behavior in elementary education? A within-dyad analysis
M Hendrickx, LG Kos, AHN Cillessen, T Mainhard
Journal of school psychology 90, 1-18, 2022
Learning disabilities and low social status: The role of peer academic reputation and peer reputation of teacher liking
L van der Sande, MMHG Hendrickx, HJ Boor-Klip, T Mainhard
Journal of learning disabilities 51 (3), 211-222, 2018
M., and Brekelmans, M.(2016)
M Hendrickx, MT Mainhard, HJ Boor-Klip, AH Cillessen
Social dynamics in the classroom: teacher support and conflict and the peer …, 0
The intended and unintended impacts on student ownership when realising CBL in mechanical engineering
M Hendrickx, A Schüler-Meyer, CV Verhoosel
European Journal of Engineering Education 48 (2), 340-357, 2023
Teacher behavior with upper elementary school students in the social margins of their classroom peer group
MMHG Hendrickx, T Mainhard, AHN Cillessen, M Brekelmans
Frontiers in Education 5, 568849, 2020
Beleving van de peer context in de klas: samenhang met sociaal functioneren, academisch functioneren en zelfbeeld
H Boor-Klip, E Segers, M Hendrickx, A Cillessen
Pedagogische Studiën 91 (5), 2014
Perceptions of classroom peer context: Associations with social status, academic achievement, and self-esteem
HJ Boor-Klip, E Segers, M Hendrickx, AHN Cillessen
Pedagogische Studien 91 (5), 288-301, 2014
Leerkrachtgedrag en de kwaliteit van sociale relaties in de klas: De leerkracht als sociale referent voor de sociale status van de leerling.
MMHG Hendrickx, T Mainhard, S Oudman, AHN Cillessen, M Brekelmans
Kind en adolescent, 2019
Teacher behavior with peer-rejected students: Associations with peer status and academic achievement
M Hendrickx, MT Mainhard, HJ Boor-Klip
Leuven: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 2017
The application of orbital decomposition analysis to study the dynamic quality of teacher–teacher interactions
HJM Pennings, MMHG Hendrickx, MCG Thurlings, P den Brok
Classroom Discourse, 1-17, 2024
Teachers’ collaborative knowledge building in professional learning communities: connecting interaction patterns to learning gains
MMHG Hendrickx, MCG Thurlings, P Den Brok
European Journal of Psychology of Education 40 (1), 1-19, 2025
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Articles 1–20