Michael Sharp
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Cited by
A survey of the advancing use and development of machine learning in smart manufacturing
M Sharp, R Ak, T Hedberg Jr
Journal of manufacturing systems 48, 170-179, 2018
Toward semi-autonomous information: Extraction for Unstructured Maintenance Data in Root Cause Analysis
M Sharp, T Sexton, MP Brundage
IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems …, 2017
Instrumentation and controls in nuclear power plants: An emerging technologies update
K Korsah, DE Holcomb, MD Muhlheim, JA Mullens, A Loebl, M Bobrek, ...
U.. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, 2009
Discovering critical KPI factors from natural language in maintenance work orders
M Navinchandran, ME Sharp, MP Brundage, TB Sexton
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 1-19, 2022
Developing a hierarchical decomposition methodology to increase manufacturing process and equipment health awareness
BA Weiss, M Sharp, A Klinger
Journal of manufacturing systems 48, 96-107, 2018
Sensor-based degradation prediction and prognostics for remaining useful life estimation: Validation on experimental data of electric motors
F Barbieri, JW Hines, M Sharp, M Venturini
International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management 6 (3), 2015
Neural network-based build time estimation for additive manufacturing: a performance comparison
Y Oh, M Sharp, T Sprock, S Kwon
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 8 (5), 1243-1256, 2021
Studies to predict maintenance time duration and important factors from maintenance workorder data
M Navinchandran, ME Sharp, MP Brundage, TB Sexton
Annual Conference of the PHM Society 11 (1), 2019
Prognostic approaches using transient monitoring methods
ME Sharp
Defining requirements for integrating information between design, manufacturing, and inspection
TD Hedberg Jr, ME Sharp, TMM Maw, MM Helu, MM Rahman, S Jadhav, ...
International journal of production research 60 (11), 3339-3359, 2022
Improving the Process of Obtaining Informed Consent.
SM Sharp
Applied Clinical Trials 10 (1), 2001
Feasibility study for an automated engineering change process
ME Sharp, TD Hedberg Jr, WZ Bernstein, S Kwon
International journal of production research 59 (16), 4995-5010, 2021
Simple Metrics for Evaluation and Conveying Prognostic Model Performance to Users with Varied Backgrounds
M Sharp
Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2013
Hierarchical modeling of a manufacturing work cell to promote contextualized PHM information across multiple levels
M Sharp, BA Weiss
Manufacturing letters 15, 46-49, 2018
Prognostics for light water reactor sustainability: empirical methods for heat exchanger prognostic lifetime predictions
Z Welz, A Nam, M Sharp, JW Hines, BR Upadhyaya
PHM Society European Conference 2 (1), 2014
Procedural guide for system-level impact evaluation of industrial artificial intelligence-driven technologies: Application to risk-based investment analysis for condition …
M Sharp, M Dadfarnia, T Sprock, D Thomas
Journal of manufacturing science and engineering 144 (7), 071008, 2022
Lifecycle prognostic algorithm development and application to test beds
A Nam, M Sharp, JW Hines, B Upadhyaya
Chemical Engineering Transactions 33, 2013
Observations on developing reliability information utilization in a manufacturing environment with case study: robotic arm manipulators
M Sharp
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 102 (9), 3243 …, 2019
Design, manufacturing, and inspection data for a three-component assembly
TD Hedberg Jr, ME Sharp, TMM Maw, MM Rahman, S Jadhav, JJ Whicker, ...
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 124, 1, 2019
Lifecycle Prognostics: Transitioning between information types
M Sharp, J Coble, A Nam, JW Hines, B Upadhyaya
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2015
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Articles 1–20