Caroline Zygar-Hoffmann
Caroline Zygar-Hoffmann
Department of Psychology, LMU Munich
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Measuring implicit motives with the picture story exercise (PSE): Databases of expert-coded german stories, pictures, and updated picture norms
FD Schönbrodt, B Hagemeyer, V Brandstätter, T Czikmantori, P Gröpel, ...
Journal of personality assessment 103 (3), 392-405, 2021
Recalling experiences: Looking at momentary, retrospective and global assessments of relationship satisfaction
C Zygar-Hoffmann, FD Schönbrodt
Collabra: Psychology 6 (1), 2020
From motive dispositions to states to outcomes: An intensive experience sampling study on communal motivational dynamics in couples
C Zygar, B Hagemeyer, S Pusch, FD Schönbrodt
European Journal of Personality 32 (3), 306-324, 2018
Measuring motivational relationship processes in experience sampling: A reliability model for moments, days, and persons nested in couples
FD Schönbrodt, C Zygar-Hoffmann, S Nestler, S Pusch, B Hagemeyer
Behavior research methods, 1-20, 2021
Truth and Wishful Thinking: How Interindividual Differences in Communal Motives Manifest in Momentary Partner Perceptions
S Pusch, FD Schönbrodt, C Zygar‐Hoffmann, B Hagemeyer
European Journal of Personality 34 (1), 115-134, 2020
A large longitudinal study on motivation, behavior and satisfaction in couples: Research data from a four-week experience sampling study with a pre-, post-, and one-year follow …
C Zygar-Hoffmann, B Hagemeyer, S Pusch, FD Schönbrodt
Trier: Center for Research Data in Psychology PsychData of the Leibniz …, 2020
From motive dispositions to states to outcomes: Research data of an intensive experience sampling study on communal motivational dynamics in couples [translated title](version …
C Zygar, B Hagemeyer, S Pusch, FD Schönbrodt
Trier: Center of Research Data in Psychology: Leibniz Institute for …, 2018
Perception of communal motives in couples: Accuracy, bias, and their associations with relationship length
S Pusch, FD Schönbrodt, C Zygar-Hoffmann, B Hagemeyer
Journal of Research in Personality 91, 104060, 2021
Motivated behavior in intimate relationships: Comparing the predictive value of motivational variables
C Zygar-Hoffmann, S Pusch, B Hagemeyer, FD Schönbrodt
Social Psychological Bulletin 15 (2), 1-37, 2020
The predictive power of insomnia symptoms on other aspects of mental health during the COVID‐19 pandemic: a longitudinal study
GG Werner, B Cludius, P Sckopke, A Stefan, F Schönbrodt, ...
Journal of Sleep Research 32 (1), e13641, 2023
C Zygar, J Angus
Psychologie der Werte: Von Achtsamkeit bis Zivilcourage–Basiswissen aus …, 2016
Motivational interdependence in couple relationships
S Pusch, FD Schönbrodt, C Zygar-Hoffmann, B Hagemeyer
Frontiers in psychology 13, 827746, 2022
Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis „hands-on “
F Schönbrodt, C Zygar-Hoffmann, M Frank, M Gollwitzer
Psychologische Rundschau, 2022
Motivationale Konflikte in Partnerschaften Synchronisation oder Dominanz
C Zygar, B Hagemeyer, S Pusch, FD Schönbrodt
Paarforschung mit impliziten Motiven: Mit Experience-Sampling die motivationalen Prozesse verstehen
C Zygar, B Hagemeyer, S Pusch, FD Schönbrodt
Eliciting Short-Term Closeness in Couple Relationships With Ecological Momentary Interventions
C Zygar-Hoffmann, L Cristoforo, L Wolf, FD Schönbrodt
Collabra: Psychology 8 (1), 38599, 2022
Corona couple ESM study
C Zygar-Hoffmann, B Cludius, G Werner, AM Stefan, P Sckopke, ...
OSF, 2021
Database of Expert-Coded German PSE Stories
FD Schönbrodt, B Hagemeyer, V Brandstätter, T Czikmantori, P Gröpel, ...
PsychArchives, 2020
Taking a Closer Look at the Ups and Downs in Couple Relationships: Using the Experience Sampling Method to Study Motivation, Behavior, and Feelings in Dyads
C Zygar-Hoffmann
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2020
Supplemental Materials for: Recalling Experiences: Looking at Momentary, Retrospective and Global Assessments of Relationship Satisfaction
C Zygar-Hoffmann, FD Schönbrodt
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