Robert De Lorenzo
Robert De Lorenzo
UT Health San Antonio
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Mass gathering medicine: a review
RA De Lorenzo
Prehospital and disaster medicine 12 (1), 68-72, 1997
Lights and siren: A review of emergency vehicle warning systems
RA De Lorenzo, MA Eilers
Annals of emergency medicine 20 (12), 1331-1335, 1991
Does a simple bedside sonographic measurement of the inferior vena cava correlate to central venous pressure?
RA De Lorenzo, MJ Morris, JB Williams, TF Haley, TM Straight, ...
The Journal of Emergency Medicine 42 (4), 429-436, 2012
Out-of-hospital combat casualty care in the current war in Iraq
RT Gerhardt, RA De Lorenzo, J Oliver, JB Holcomb, JA Pfaff
Annals of emergency medicine 53 (2), 169-174, 2009
Registry of emergency airways arriving at combat hospitals
BD Adams, PA Cuniowski, A Muck, RA De Lorenzo
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 64 (6), 1548-1554, 2008
Ethical challenges in Emergency Medical Services: controversies and recommendations
TK Becker, M Gausche-Hill, AL Aswegan, EF Baker, KJ Bookman, ...
Prehospital and disaster medicine 28 (5), 488-497, 2013
A review of spinal immobilization techniques
RA De Lorenzo
The Journal of emergency medicine 14 (5), 603-613, 1996
Challenges to improving combat casualty survival on the battlefield
RL Mabry, R DeLorenzo
Military medicine 179 (5), 477-482, 2014
Informed consent and ethical issues in military medical research
J McManus, SG Mehta, AR McClinton, RA De Lorenzo, TW Baskin
Academic emergency medicine 12 (11), 1120-1126, 2005
Performance of junctional tourniquets in normal human volunteers
JF Kragh, RS Kotwal, AP Cap, JK Aden, TJ Walters, BS Kheirabadi, ...
Prehospital emergency care 19 (3), 391-398, 2015
Prehospital interventions performed on pediatric trauma patients in Iraq and Afghanistan
SG Schauer, MD April, GJ Hill, JF Naylor, MA Borgman, RA De Lorenzo
Prehospital Emergency Care 22 (5), 624-629, 2018
Effectiveness of an adult‐learning, self‐directed model compared with traditional lecture‐based teaching methods in out‐of‐hospital training
RA De Lorenzo, CA Abbott
Academic Emergency Medicine 11 (1), 33-37, 2004
Analyzing clinical case distributions to improve an emergency medicine clerkship
RA De Lorenzo, D Mayer, EC Geehr
Annals of emergency medicine 19 (7), 746-751, 1990
How shall we train?
RA De Lorenzo
Military medicine 170 (10), 824-830, 2005
Prehospital airway procedures performed in trauma patients by ground forces in Afghanistan
MB Blackburn, MD April, DJ Brown, RA DeLorenzo, KL Ryan, ...
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 85 (1S), S154-S160, 2018
Mass casualty triage knowledge of military medical personnel
JT Janousek, DE Jackson, RA De Lorenzo, M Coppola
Military medicine 164 (5), 332-335, 1999
Effect of crowd size on patient volume at a large, multipurpose, indoor stadium
RA De Lorenzo, BC Gray, PC Bennett, VJ Lamparella
The Journal of emergency medicine 7 (4), 379-384, 1989
Physician roles in aeromedical evacuation: current practices in USAF operations
WW Hurd, RJ Montminy, RA De Lorenzo, LT Burd, BS Goldman, TJ Loftus
Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 77 (6), 631-638, 2006
Tactical emergency care: Military and operational out-of-hospital medicine
RA De Lorenzo, RS Porter
Prentice Hall 10, 233-247, 1999
The emergency department approach to syncope: evidence-based guidelines and prediction rules
C Kessler, JM Tristano, R De Lorenzo
Emergency Medicine Clinics 28 (3), 487-500, 2010
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